  • 學位論文


Value creation and value capture of mobile commerce in the view of business model co-opetition:Examples of mobile ticketing and on board unit

指導教授 : 朱詣尹


無線行動通訊技術的精進與成熟開創了行動商務的發展,並使得傳統行動通訊產業垂直整合的價值鏈(value chain)演變為錯縱複雜的價值網絡(value network),這個轉變凸顯出行動商務產業內上下游參與者的價值創造與價值捕獲議題愈發重要。因此本研究以商業模式競爭與合作觀點為主軸,試圖釐清行動商務價值網絡內主要參與者個別的價值創造與價值捕獲變數、過程以及策略與戰術運用情況,以提供企業進入行動商務領域之決策依據。 本研究整合商業模式、競合、價值創造與價值捕獲觀點,並且以行動票券與車載機服務個案為例,提出先行依據雙方參與者之間競合程度來選擇合適之競合模型,接著再依照商業模式中價值創造與捕獲的變數,分別來訂定價值創造與捕獲的戰術與策略,最後以商業模式競爭模型具體分析雙方現階段在戰術上的競爭與合作。本研究提出之方法可以提供企業在面臨與對手同時擁有競爭與合作關係時一個訂定策略與戰術的決策方向。


The increasing maturity of wireless telecommunication technology has fostered the development of mobile commerce (MC) and transformed the traditional vertically integrated value chain to a complex value network. This change highlighted the importance of clarifying MC players’ value creation and value capture in the MC network. Therefore, this research tried to clarify the key determinants, process, strategy and tactic of major players’ value creation and value capture activities in the view of business model co-opetition, and to provide a guide for the players’ decision making in joining the MC business. This research integrated the view of business model co-opetition, value creation and value capture, and used mobile ticketing and on board service as case study examples. This research proposed that when analyzing value creation and value capture situation between two co-opetition players, first we should select a co-opetition model according to the degree of cooperation and competition between two players. Second, we could decide on the business strategy following a combined evaluation of value creation and value capture determinants given the co-opetition model. Third, we could use the competing through business model (CTBM) to decide on the suitable tactics for the players. This paper proposed a structured method to help business players to make value creation and capture strategy and tactic facing co-opetition situation.




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