  • 學位論文


How Formosa Budding Hope Organization implements community building in Cambodia

指導教授 : 李傳楷


通常戰後的開發中國家存在著許多社會問題,包含教育、醫療與國家基礎建設不足等,除了仰賴世界性組織如世界銀行或是其他邦交國的資金援助外,最主要還是依賴國際性的非營利組織從社會底層的角度進行服務,協助提升該國家人民的生活水平。綜觀國際非營利組織在當地國家進行的服務,大致上可分為兩類,單一項的服務,如促進健康、提升教育、改善醫療建設、從事基礎建設等服務;綜合性的服務,從事地方社區的總體營造,包含社區經濟、教育、醫療與健康等面向。社區總體營造最主要就是希望能讓服務的社區在不仰賴外界資源的情況下能夠自立,並自行發展與成長。然而一個國際非營利組織要建構社區總體營造是非常不容易的,在對當地社區人民的民情、習慣、價值觀不了解之下,若執意以西方思維角度去做社區總體營造,除了當地社區村民們不願配合之外,成效也不彰。如何能夠成功在開發中國家社區做社區營造,為每個從事社區總體營造的國際型非營利組織都必須面對問題。 本研究以單一個案研究法,依循非營利組織的經營管理、社會資本與社區營造理論,並以社區營造為分析架構,深入分析在柬埔寨從事社區總體營造的國際型非營利組織,台灣希望之芽協會,如何能夠在2010年至2013年以五大服務計畫:鄉村健康促進計畫、兒童資助計畫、英文教育計畫、藝術創作計畫與農業計畫,深耕單一社區,為當地社區人民的福祉達到相當顯著的提升。並以教育與醫療等服務,與當地社區村民們建立了信任感,更成為之後推動農業計畫的關鍵成功因素;而這些社區總體營造計畫,也協助當地社區累積了自身的社會資本,包括橋接型與連結型社會資本,培養了社區內村民們在共同議題討論、自發性的社區服務與社區內組織的互動,等社區自治觀念;也讓他們能打破交通不便的藩籬,與外界的資源與組織有所交流。 最後本研究發現,一個從事落後社區的社區總體營造的國際非營利組織,實務上必須要能兼顧經濟面向,改善社區內每戶村民的經濟能力,同時持續推廣教育與健康,在長期之下才能夠有所成效;另外實務上,台灣希望之芽協會從事社區總體營造的方式可分為1. 連結外部資源,強化組織的人力、財力與物力;2. 循序漸進的在地深耕服務,建立與村民之間的信任感;3. 雇用在當地生活的員工,建立有效的溝通橋梁;4. 以社區優勢資源為基礎,提升社區村民經濟水平;5. 資源集中於特定群體上。 本研究希望能藉由研究台灣希望之芽協會發展社區總體營造的過程與成功因素,提供給未來要從是社區總體營造的國際非營利組織參考。 關鍵字:個案研究、非營利組織、台灣希望之芽協會、社區總體營造


After-war countries have variety dimension of social problems, including insufficient education, medical service, infrastructures. In addition to relying on assistance from other worldwide organization, such as World Bank, most of after-war countries rely on international nonprofit organizations conducting the service from the perspective of the bottom of society, helping improve the living standard of people living in the country. General speaking, it can be divided two classification of international nonprofit organization’s service. One is focusing on single services, such as improving people’s health and education, or conducting infrastructures and the other one is integrated services, such as community building including dimensions of economics, education, medical and health. The aim of community building is to help the local community accumulating their own capability and have self-development and self-growing without relying on external assistance. However, It’s not easy for international nonprofit organization to conduct community building but has less effects of the community building services. INPOs are familiar with adopting western thinking to do community building but most of them are unfamiliar with local people’s custom, value and sentiment which induce community residents unwilling to cooperate. Those difficulties are an international nonprofit organization must to face. In this study, I use case method to discuss an international nonprofit organization- Formosa Budding Hope Organization. This study follows views of Nonprofit Organization, Social Capital and Community Building. I use Community Building view as the main theoretical framework, deeply analyzing Formosa Budding Hope Organization from 2010 to 2014. I wonder how does Formosa Budding Hope Organization do community building through Rural Health Promotion Program, Cambodian Child Sponsorship Program, English Teaching Program, Art Creation Program and Agricultural Program focusing on one community, building trust-base relationships with residents and improve their living standards. Finally, the study shows that an INPO engaging community building, in practice, must be able to take into account the economic, health and education. The study also observes the approaches of community building that Formosa Budding Hope Organization do can be divided into 5 approaches: 1. connecting external resources; 2. focusing on single community and building trust-base relationship with community; 3. hiring in local and establishing an effective communication bridge; 4. using community-based resource advantages, to enhance local economic level; 5. focusing resources on specific groups. We hope that we could provide a reference case study to future start-up international nonprofit star organizations. Keywords: case study, nonprofit organization, Formosa Budding Hope Organization, community building


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