  • 學位論文


Discriminant Analysis and Trace Analysis of Heavy Metals in Edible Vegetable Oils and Rice Wines by ICP-MS

指導教授 : 凌永健


近年來食品安全事件時有所聞,國人對食品安全日益重視。食物是人類攝取微量元素的主要途徑,本研究收集58件植物油樣品及29件米酒樣品,以微波消化系統結合感應耦合電漿質譜儀 (ICP-MS) 方法,分析植物油及米酒樣品中的微量重金屬,結合統計分析,建立一套指紋圖譜技術,用以判別植物油的種類及米酒的製作產地。更進一步利用現況調查結果,評估消費者來自食品重金屬攝入量的健康風險。 本研究以感應耦合電漿質譜儀測定植物油與米酒中19種元素含量,包括鋁(Al)、鈦(Ti)、鉻(Cr)、錳(Mn)、鐵(Fe)、鋅(Zn)、鎳(Ni)、鈷(Co)、銅(Cu)、鎵(Ga)、砷(As)、硒(Se)、鉬(Mo)、銦(In)、鎘(Cd)、錫(Sn)、鎢(W)、汞(Hg)、鉛(Pb),並利用NIST標準品進行方法確效,得回收率介於80~120 %之間。接著建立微量元素的指紋圖譜,並透過判別分析(Discriminant analysis) 成功判別植物油的種類及米酒的製作產地。另外在重金屬攝入量健康風險評估,本研究主要針對Zn、Cu、Al、As、Pb、Hg和Cd等重金屬,結果顯示消費者從58件植物油樣品及29件米酒樣品之重金屬攝入增量,對消費者之健康風險極低。


In recent years, the frequent occurrence of food scandals has caused public to pay more attention on food safety. Food is the main intake route of trace elements to humans. Herein, we establish a simple, fast, and reliable method to analyze multiple trace elements in edible vegetable oils and rice wines by microwave digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) determination. After establishing trace element fingerprint, we assess the risk contribution of heavy metals in these samples to the consumers. To validate the proposed method, a certified reference material (CRM) was analyzed. The analyst’s recovery of each element was in the range of 80-120 %. A total of 58 edible vegetable oil samples and 29 rice wine samples were collected. A systematic survey of Zn, Cu, Al, As, Pb, Hg and Cd concentrations in these samples were carried out. The trace element fingerprints were subjected to discrimination analysis, demonstrating that the vegetable used in oils and manufacturing origin of rice wines could be successfully differentiated. The results of health risk assessments showed that the estimated daily/weekly/monthly intake of Zn, Cu, Al, As, Pb, Hg and Cd from edible vegetable oils and rice wines contributed to the acceptable safety limit, implying the investigated edible vegetable oils and rice wines posing little risk to consumers.




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