  • 學位論文

張瀛太作品中之神話思維: 以「神話─原型批評」為研究框架

The Mythical Thinking in Chang Ying-Tai’s Novels: based on Archetypal Criticism Theory

指導教授 : 王鈺婷


本文以張瀛太作品為研究文本,探討女作家自九O年代開始在文學奬場域嶄露頭角,並於上個世紀末(1999~2000)風光蟬聯兩大報副刊文學奬首奬殊榮,立論其作品以「異域書寫」和「尋愛旅程」作為兩大創作主題,文中大展異國情調、魔幻元素和傳奇色彩,不但成功吸引評審目光,也奠定自己在台灣文學場域的美學位置。筆者進一步觀察到女作家的「異域書寫」不僅僅是地理空間上的移動,更多是想像意識的自我放逐,尤其對於男女主角之間那種超越常理,又帶有奇幻色彩的浪漫行徑,滲透其中之「神話思維」著實成功安頓小說中所有超乎現實框架的想像。綜觀張瀛太從《西藏愛人》啟程之神話思維,日後仍繼續散落在不同篇章中,得以形構出具有神話特色之系列作品,也因而觸發筆者從「神話-原型批評」為視角作一整體性研究。 首先,本文將張瀛太作品分為短篇小說集和長篇小說兩個脈絡進行討論,第二章從副刊文學奬首奬作品出發,從文學奬評審背景延伸探討兩大報所引領之文學典範及意識型態,並藉由交互分析評審意見滙整其作品得以在文學奬場域勝選之主要美學特質。第三章將《春光關不住》定義為一部現代神話愛情,根據弗萊之〈原型批評:神話理論〉中之意象模式以及坎伯之「英雄的旅程」為理論框架,演繹貫穿文本之「出走」和「追尋」兩大主題,如何作為轉化成心靈「回歸」之象徵意涵。第四章開始進入長篇小說《熊兒悄聲對我說》分析,從李維史陀之「神話學」概念詮釋一則山林傳奇所涵蓋原始與文明之衝突、人類與動物之對立,以及人性與獸性之辯證。第四章探討文本《古國琴人》無疑為女作家最貼近神話之作,全文架構在人神共處之魔幻背景,牽涉更深層之生命原型意識,因而回歸最早由榮格提出之「集體無意識」及「原型理論」進行理解,分析文中關於蛇、地洞、神殿等具古老原型之代表意象,如何開展出一段人蛇交歡之生死愛戀,並進一步帶出人性、獸性與神性在慾望交纏中,彼此誘惑與搏鬥的糾結過程。 作為研究張瀛太作品之第一部學位專論,筆者嘗試從神話學、人類學和心理學之研究理論,從跨學科視角詮釋女作家長期經營之異域愛情書寫。立論「神話思維」為貫穿女作家系列作品之核心意識,其中重複展演出走-追尋-回歸之旅程模式,可視為人類生命發展之心靈圖像,得以運用「神話-原型批評」作為理論基礎。本文試圖在不同作品中透過不同理論概念進行結構及內容分析,將「神話思維」的注入視為女作家移用神話模式之美學手法,探討文本中之原型母題如何揭示作者個人之內在景致,同時也呈現出人類原始心靈世界之內涵。


This thesis focuses on Chang-Ying-Tai’s works from the early 1990s to the present. Chang’s novels were known and admired with fantastic “exotic features” and “love adventures” , especially the myth, romance, marvels and magic elements used in her writings. Those aesthetics definitely helped Chang to win a lot of prizes in a variety of writing competitions held by newspapers. Aside from listed renowned features, I also find a kind of mythical thinking in Chang’s series of novels. I suggest the mythical thinking departures from her second book “Tibet Lover” and takes place continually in her following works. And the observation come out an idea to have a further study on her novels based on the Archetypal Criticism Theory. First of all, I proceed to analyze Chang’s two short stories and one prose which won top prizes in the writing competitions held in 1999 and 2000. I go through all the opinions given by adjusters to consolidate the comments to review how could her stories gain the majority of criticizers’ appreciative evaluations and why could her writings get great appraisal of literature. Secondly, I define the “Unconfined Spring Light ”as a modern myth of love and put the book under Northrop Frye’s archetypal criticism theory, as well as Joseph Campbell’s hero’s adventure theory to review Chang’s “departure- pursuit-return” itinerary happened repeatedly in her stories. Hereinafter, I put “The Bear Is Whispering To Me” under Claude Levi-Strauss's theory to discuss how conflicts and misunderstandings resulted in a broken relationship between human beings and nature, as well as how the boy could re-approach the Spirits thorough mysterious rituals and worships. Finally, I analyze the topics of rebirth, reincarnation and transformation in the “An Ancient Musician” based on Jung’s Archetype Theory. Completed as the first academic essay on Chang’s novels, I attempt to analyze from an interdisciplinary perspective among mythology, anthropology and psychology. I assume the mythical thinking is the core aesthetics throughout her stories and discuss based on Archetypal Criticism Theory to explore Chang’s spiritual world, as well the interior of primitive soul.




