  • 學位論文

失鄉的反叛者──以東年七○年代小說 《落雨的小鎮》、《大火》為研究中心

Rootless betrayer is centered on the two novels written in the 1970s : <Rain Town> and <Fire>

指導教授 : 陳建忠


摘要 東年(1950-)於1971年創作第一篇小說〈死人書〉,1973年正式在《中外文學》發表小說〈一百隻鴿子〉開始,隨後便持續創作,並在鄉土文學浪潮的七○年代,集結了《落雨的小鎮》、《大火》兩本著作。綜觀其創作的脈絡不難發現,東年對於臺灣這塊土地上的歷史,或現實社會都有持續且深層的關照。 相較於東年七○年代直至2014年的創作量而言,對他研究卻仍是較為稀少,或是研究面向較為固定而侷限的情況。特別是早期的《落雨的小鎮》、《大火》兩本著作的研究,幾乎沒有專論,研究者多半只概略說明東年早期創作的特點,進而討論後期的海洋、都市或宗教面向等。筆者認為,作家最初的創作核心關懷,當是研究者必須了解的最先工程。是故,筆者發現東年早期創作中所夾帶的現代文學風格,實際上卻是在書寫人物面對鄉土困境,襯托其城鄉轉換之下,人物內心的巨大痛苦。這當是前行研究較未深探之處,因此筆者以文本分析研究,區分東年早期作品的主題、人物以及美學形式,企圖將東年運用在現代主義書寫背後,他欲反映的鄉土問題提煉出來,以審視東年初登臺灣文壇之際,他的核心關懷為何。 本論文在第一章先概述東年目前的相關研究,以及早期作品尚未被深探的原因作為切入點,說明研究動機。第二章論述東年於出生的五○年代至七○年代所受到的文學教養為何,並提出七○年代「現代」與「鄉土」競合的交融情形,以及探討東年在七○年代初登臺灣文壇之時,選以《中外文學》以及《聯合報》副刊的原因。第三章探討早期作品的關懷主題,以城鄉變遷下的失土問題、階級意識的枷鎖,以及人與人之間的存在反思進行探究。第四章將東年早期小說中的人物區分為失意者、移動者以及反叛者,說明東年的小說人物為何都是苦悶不堪的樣貌。第五章探討東年小說中的美學形式,不論是使用象徵或存在主義式手法,所使用的幾乎都為鄉土符號,表現存在的困境也都來自於背後巨大的社會變遷的鄉土問題。 關鍵詞:東年、七○年代、《落雨的小鎮》、《大火》、城鄉問題、鄉土再現


Abstract Dong Nien (1950~) published his first novel in 1971. Since publishing in <中外文學> in 1973, he has been prolific in writing, and edited and in the 1970s when local literature was dominant. In observation of his publishing history, one can easily notice that Dong Nien has had a profound interest in depicting Taiwanese society as well as its history. The current study is organized as follows. Chapter one delves into previous research on the works of Dong Nien and points out that little is understood about earlier works of Dong Nien, something that motivated the current study. Chapter two illustrates the literacy background of Dong Nien, who was raised up between the 1950s and the 1970s. The chapter further delineates the integration of and interaction between the “contemporary” and “local” elements in literature. It also explains Dong Nien’s rationale behind selecting <中外文學> and <聯合報> for publishing his works. Chapter three revolves around social themes such as problems resulting from relocation of residence due to urbanization, constraints imposed by an awareness of social classes, and the intricate relationship between among individuals. Chapter four, on the basis of Dong Nien’s earlier works, categorizes the characters into “the frustrated”, “betrayers”, and “movers”, accounting for why the characters in Dong Nien’s works were largely characterized by plaintiveness. Chapter five explores the rhetorical devices employed in Dong Nien’s works, devices that serve to symbolize the difficulty confronted by the local culture in the face of a changing society. Key words: Dong Nien, 1970s, , , Rural-Urban issues, Resurgence/Restoration of local culture




