  • 學位論文


Learning Process of College Transfer Students: Policy, Motivation and Strategy

指導教授 : 謝小芩


本研究旨在探討大學轉學生的求學歷程,包含轉學動機、轉學策略以及轉學 後對自我的評價;同時亦梳理台灣轉學制度與政策。筆者透過田野觀察及深度訪 談法蒐集資料,以台灣兩所公私立大學轉學生為主要研究對象,共計訪談 16 位 轉學生。在研究結果部份,透過文獻資料、法令規章和訪談逐字稿等資料分析, 研究者有以下發現: 台灣與轉學相關的規章制度包括轉學的招生考試制度、各校導入轉學生政策 及學分抵免規範。目前國內的轉學招生考試制度有二,分別為暑假轉學考試,與 寒假轉學甄試,兩者在報考門檻、校系限制、考試方式、開放的校系數量等方面 有所不同。而各大專院校對於轉學生的導入政策則無統一規劃,有不同的輔導措 施;學分抵免亦由各校自訂規章報教育部備查,無統一標準。本研究發現轉學生 進行學分抵免時會首先在意是否有重複修讀之名,在實際修讀課程後,則更在乎 是否有重複修讀之實。 轉學生的轉學歷程經歷了是否轉學的抉擇、準備轉學考,以及轉學後對新校 系的適應與融入。本研究探討了此歷程中,轉學生的轉學動機、轉學策略,以及 學生轉學後對新校系及自我的評價等議題。結果發現轉學生的轉學動機包括:「突 破現況,追求更理想的大學圖像」、「自我能力檢測」、「其他個人因素」等。而每 位學生準備轉學考試的策略不同,學生會評估制度及自身條件,再擬出適當策略 進行轉學。本研究對「補習或自修」、「報考相同或相異領域科系」及「寒暑轉差 異」等不同轉學策略進行了分析。學生轉學後對校系及自我的評價也與其轉學動 機相關,轉學動機愈強的學生,其轉學後的評價愈兩極化。本研究所提供的轉學 生視角,為台灣校園參與經驗帶來更多元的思考。


轉學生 制度 動機 策略 高等教育


This research investigates the transfer process of college transfer students, including their transfer motivations, transfer strategies and self-evaluation after transferring. Furthermore, transfer policies in higher education in Taiwan are discussed. .Through review of literature and interviews with 16 college transfer students from two universities, the researcher reveals the following findings. The recruits and admission policies of student transfer vary from university to university. Transfer examinations are held twice a year, in summer and in winter. The credit transfer policies are also different in every universities and the major concern of transfer students. The transfer students experience several issues in the transfer process such as deciding whether to transfer or not, strategies on transfer preparation and adjustment to the new school after having successfully transferred. Students’ motivations for transfer include: “pursuing a better quality of college education”, “self testing” and “other personal consideration”. Every transfer student has to judge his or her own ability and choose appropriate preparation strategies including whether to “attend a cram school”, to “apply for the same discipline or for a different one”, and “transfer for the Fall semester or the Spring semester”. Students’ self-evaluation of the transfer is related to their transfer motivation. Students with not so strong motivation of transfer tend to have moderate evaluation of the move. Students with strong motivation, tend to either have very positive evaluation or be very disappointed about the transfer


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