  • 學位論文


Redesign Auditory Interface of In-Vehicle Speech Interaction System

指導教授 : 黃雪玲


由工研院所研發的車用語音系統(Talking Car)是目前較完整的中文介面車用系統,然而根據研究發現Talking Car系統仍有許多缺陷,而其中位於方向盤上的控制按鍵以及系統之引導語句,都被指出必須立即改善否則將影響使用者的駕駛安全,為了使Talking Car系統更安全,更容易使初學者上手,本研究將針對這些問題進行一系列之實驗與改善,最後再透過實驗驗證改善成果。 首先,為了解引導語句之問題,我們將進行語句實驗,透過此實驗了解受測者對各引導語句的了解度、煩躁度和語句的引導程度,並使用問卷了解受測者的需求與建議,隨後針對有問題之引導語句進行改善,而控制按鍵的部分,我們將控制按鍵的個數縮減為四個並且增加主功能鍵,以此增加系統使用的直覺性,最後參照銷售量最佳的五大車款設計各控制按鍵之圖示,如此能讓使用者更容易記憶控制按鍵之位置並使用,在完成改善後會進行駕駛模擬實驗驗證改善之成果,在實驗當中,受測者將駕駛模擬器並使用Talking Car系統依照指示完成任務,在駕駛過程中,剎車反應時間會被記錄以了解受測者的反應時間,實驗最後受測者須回答主觀以及NASA-TLX問卷,以此了解受測者對Talking Car的滿意度和建議以及心智負荷程度。 根據實驗的結果,其中受測者之整體任務完成時間、任務失敗率以及心智負荷皆有顯著地下降,而煞車反應時間也與未使用Talking Car時無顯著差異,這些結果皆證實進行改善後之Talking Car系統更便於使用,使用者不會被轉移注意力因此提升了駕駛之安全性,並且在主觀問卷中更可看出使用者對Talking Car系統有更高的滿意度,並且更認同其引導性,因此使用者們將更樂於使用Talking Car系統。


This research aimed to conduct a series of user interface improvement against an in-vehicle full voice-based interface named Talking Car and to verify the result of improvement by conducting driving simulation experiments. According to a previous study, current Talking Car system has some defects on control button and system dialogues with elicitation. For the first part, control button data from 5 brands which are the most popular cars in the market were gathered and analyzed. Then, cooperated with expert advices the control button was redesigned. In the system dialogues part, an experiment was conducted to realize the misunderstood and annoying degree of current guiding sentences. When conducting the experiment, subjects listened and rated degree of understanding and annoying for each system dialogues while driving. After all improvement, another driving simulation experiment was conducted. In this experiment, subjects need to complete the tasks assigned by controlling Talking Car while driving, and task finished time and number of error were collected to verify the effect of improvements. Under objective statistic data, the final result indicated that task finished time has decreased significantly. The shorter task finished time proved the system is more convenient and easy to use. With regard to evaluation of safety, reacting time of emergency brake were decreased. In consequence, the system is more suitable using in driving. And in the subjective part, subjects are more satisfied with system dialogues of novices and control button. After improvement, Talking Car is easier to use and more fit to the novices. Talking Car provides with consummate functions and intuitive interface.


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