  • 學位論文


Optimal Periodical Production Mix with Inseparable Orders in a Closed Loop Supply Chain System

指導教授 : 王小璠


生產規劃在製造業裡一直是個相當重要的議題。藉由良好的生產規劃可幫助公司減少不必要的成本以及增加生產利潤。本研究考慮一中期生產規劃,零售商們在期初時會給予生產者每一期的訂單。由於產能限制,生產者必須在基於利潤最大化的原則下決定接受以及拒絕哪些訂單。生產者必須考慮兩個問題: 即(1)生產者必須接受那些訂單,以及(2)決定每一期要分配多少產品給每一位零售商。為了解決上述問題,本研究提出一整數規劃模型,目標即是在產能限制以及缺貨補貨策略的可行性下考量多期多訂單並建立一最佳生產規劃以使得淨利潤最大化。此外,由於需求之不確定性,本研究將應用模糊集合論的概念將零售商對需求以自然語言表達所產生的模糊不確定性納入原整數線性規劃模型,以提供決策者在不同風險參數下之最佳生產方式。兩種不同數學模型的數據分析將個別提供在不同章節之中。本研究除了能夠提供傳統生產規劃模型所提供之資訊外,亦能提供決策者該接受哪些零售商之訂單需求,以及如何在多期數規劃中分配其產品給零售商。


Production planning, which allows the producer to manage all production activities efficiently, is a major issue in manufacturing/processing industries. A good plan helps the company lower down its expenses and/or increase the profit. This study considers a medium-term production planning problem in which a producer receives several periodic orders from multiple retailers at the beginning of planning horizon. Due to the capacity limit of the production system, the producer needs to reject some orders based on profit maximization principle. The producer faces two questions: 1) which order the producer should accept, and 2) when the products need to be allocated to the retailers. To solve these problems, we propose an integer programming model. Furthermore, due to the demand uncertainty, Fuzzy Set Theory is applied to construct a Fuzzy Chance-Constrained Production Mix Model so that the producer’s risk attitude and preference can be adopted to address uncertainty issue. Numerical examples for deterministic and uncertain cases are provided for illustration. The results of this study can help producers deal with a more realistic environment.




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