  • 學位論文


A Review of Using Neuroimaging in the Sentencing Phase of Death Penalty Cases in Taiwan

指導教授 : 范建得 謝煜偉


腦造影技術的進步讓我們得以一窺人類行為之腦部活動,並造就神經科學的快速發展,作為人類行為規範之法律也因此受到了來自神經科學的挑戰。然而,觀察到人類行為「是」如何經由腦部活動所做成,與「應」如何於法律上評價其行為,兩者究屬不同層次之問題。因此,「該」如何正確地將兩者搭配謀合,並將其運用於我國死刑量刑之判斷上,乃本文所欲檢討之議題。 本文將先就腦造影技術之原理及其侷限性進行介紹,並以使用前揭技術對反社會人格違常與精神病態個體之研究為主,整理前額葉皮質與杏仁核兩區域之結構或功能異常與其行為之發現。接著從美國學術界的觀點出發,說明神經科學發現對自由意志、刑事責任與刑罰理論之挑戰與批判,再對美國司法實務上已將腦造影運用於死刑量刑判斷之案件進行觀察,並輔以學術上之檢討。最後在分析我國最高法院之死刑案件判決後,本文認為神經科學與腦造影在我國死刑案件的判斷上有個人責任、社會責任與教化可能性共三個切入點。而唯有對各切入點在死刑量刑判斷之層次有所釐清,未來在引入神經科學與腦造影作為減輕量刑之論述時,始能避免被推論至錯誤之方向。


The development of neuroimaging techniques has enabled us to watch the brain activity of human behavior, and made remarkable progress in neuroscience. The law, as the norm of human behavior, has therefore been challenged by neuroscience. However, the observation of how human behavior ‘is’ produced by brain activity and how ‘ought’ we evaluate this behavior under the law, these are two questions at different levels. Therefore, this thesis aims at reviewing how ‘should’ we cooperate the two things properly and use this in the sentencing phase of death penalty cases in Taiwan. This thesis introduces the basis of neuroimaging techniques and its limitations at first. Then it focus on the neuroimaging studies of Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopath individuals, and highlights the findings of structural or functional abnormalities of prefrontal cortex and amygdala and their behaviors. Next, it illustrates the challenges and critics of the neuroscientific findings to free will, criminal responsibility and theories of punishment from United States’ academic perspective, and observes the cases which introduced neuroimages in the capital sentencing phase in U.S. jurisdictions with academic reviews. After analyzing the death penalty cases of the Supreme Court in Taiwan, this thesis concludes that neuroscience and neuroimages can be use in the sentencing phase of death penalty cases on three points: individual responsibility, society’s responsibility, and the possibility of rehabilitation. Only the level of each point being clarify before introducing the neuroscience and neuroimages to mitigate the sentence, can it avoid being infer to the wrong direction.


