  • 學位論文


On Chinese Bei Passives--Historical Development and Semantic Constraints

指導教授 : 曹逢甫 連金發


漢語的「被」字被動式在過去的研究裡,一般認為:漢語的「被」字被動式是用來表達不幸的、或不利於說話者的事件,而表達正面的、愉快的事件則是因為受到西方語言的影響。雖然過去有部分學者持相反的意見,並指出此類表正面的、有利於說話者的語義在古漢語即有之,但都沒有進一步解釋該現象的來源。 透過回顧漢語「被」字被動式的歷史發展,本文認為,當「被」字短被動取代上古漢語的被動「見V」式同時,也一併接收了被動「見V」式所能表達的正面的語意內涵。歷史發展過程中,動詞「被」本身並沒有負面語意色彩,因此並不直接影響「被」字被動式的語意。而「被」字被動式的負面語意來源則和「被」字多與負面語境一起出現有關。 除此之外,本文也發現當「被」字被動式所含的動詞在主動句是及物動詞時,被動式本身的涵義可能是正面、負面或中性;但當被動句動詞帶賓語,或者動詞是不及物動詞時,此時被動式本身只能帶有負面語意。本文認為:前者和早期被動「見V」式所選的動詞都是及物動詞有關;後者則是「被」和負面語境長期共現的結果。 最後,本文檢索現代的紙本小說和網路小說,查看「被」字被動式在現代漢語中的分布情形,並與明清時期的小說做對照。


Chiese bei passives are considered to be with inflictive or adversative readings and the positive reaings are under the influence of Western literature translation. Even though some scholars indicate that the bei passives with positive or neutral readings do exist in Old Chinese, yet no one explains where this phenemonen comes from. By reviewing the historical development of Chinese bei passives, this study suggests that when the bei passive replaced the jian passive, it also absorted the function of the jian passive, which can co-occur with the positive or neutral readings. As for the negative reading, this founding argues that the verb bei is not inborn with the inflictive reading. Such reading attaches to the passive morpheme bei is due to the co-occurrence of bei and negative context. As for the semantic constraint, both positive and negative readings are allowed to the direct passive, but only the negative reading can exist in the indirect passives. This study suggest that the former has something to do with the replacement, and the later is due to the co-occurrence of the negative context. This study also investigate the distribution of Chinese bei passives in Modern Mandarin Chinese by examing the patterns in novels, and compare the result with the bei passives in Early Mandarin Chinese




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