  • 學位論文


A Study on the Different Readings of Minnan Language Teaching Materials in Elementary School

指導教授 : 劉秀雪


閩南語特色之一就是根據不同場合、詞語而選用文讀音或白話音;閩南語的文、白讀音形成有歷史的來源,所以我們說文白異讀現象是歷史與地理層次的堆積,是語言層次的疊置。文白異讀在一般人使用中,並無特定文、白語言層次概念,只是透過約定俗成,半任意式地擇一使用。 當語言使用存在不同讀音選擇,閩南語課程教材中,該如何呈現這些文白現象?現場教學者如何講述、區辨?透過教材檢視與不同年齡層的讀音資料收集,了解不同詞語的文白讀音選用是否存在一定的年齡、環境差異,進一步找出文白讀教學可運用之依據。 本研究將國民小學閩南語教材,取文本中具有文白讀音的語詞190個,請發音人看詞讀音,並進一步以40句的句型呈現,記錄讀音選擇情況,了解不同年齡層的文白選用樣態。觀察發現閩南語使用者,除了隨著固定詞彙出現的文白讀音之外,青年層受生活中出現頻率影響,或語音容易連結華語音偏向選擇文讀,或直接使用華語。中年層與老年層具一定接觸使用,則根據對語詞的詞意與詞性的解讀,選擇文或白,即或不然再採取華語音;中年層有選擇文讀傾向,老年層較易固守白讀。在文白選擇上,其實是當遇到陌生語詞時,就照熟悉的語音來讀,除了頻率高低,發音人對閩南語的語意認知、語詞的詞性,以及語音本身與華語音的接近度都有關係。 本研究藉由單語詞及句子兩階段的測試,從發現影響文白讀音穩固的因素,再來提出對教材的建議,提供實務教學者及教材編寫者參考。


文白異讀 文讀音 白話音 教材


One of the characteristics of the Minnan language is the choice of a literal pronunciation or a colloquial pronunciation according to different occasions and words; the formation of the literal and colloquial pronunciations of the Minnan language has a historical origin, so we say that the phenomenon of literal and colloquial pronunciations is an accumulation of historical and geographical levels, a superposition of language layers. In general, there is no specific concept of the language level of literal and colloquial, but only a semi-arbitrary choice of language through convention. When there are different pronunciation options for language use, how should these literal and colloquial phenomena be presented in Minnan language course materials? How do the instructors describe and distinguish them? By examining the textbooks and collecting data on the pronunciation of different age groups, we can understand whether there are certain age and environmental differences in the choice of pronunciation of different words, and further identify the basis for the use of literal and colloquial reading instruction. In this study, we took 190 words in the Minnan language textbooks of elementary schools that had a literal-to-colloquial pronunciation and asked the pronouncers to read the words. It was found that Minnan language speakers, in addition to the pronunciation of the fixed vocabulary, the younger age group was influenced by the frequency of occurrence in their lives, the tendency to link Mandarin pronunciation, or the direct use of Mandarin. The middle-aged and the elderly, who have some contact with the Mandarin language, choose either literal or colloquial pronunciation according to their interpretation of the meaning and nature of the words, i.e., they may or may not adopt the Mandarin pronunciation; however, the middle-aged tend to choose literal pronunciation, while the elderly tend to stick to colloquial pronunciation. Therefore, when it comes to the choice between the literal and the colloquial pronunciation, the pronunciation of unfamiliar words is actually based on the familiar pronunciation. This study begins with the identification of factors that affect the stability of the pronunciation of literal-colloquial, then proposes recommendations for teaching materials, and finally explains the limitations and perspectives of this study. The study will serve as a reference for teachers and textbook writers.


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