  • 學位論文


Effects of Differentiated Instruction on Eighth Graders’ Learning Outcomes in English

指導教授 : 白雲霞


本研究旨在探討差異化教學於國中八年級生英語學習成效,包含英語學習成就、英語學習動機及對差異化教學之看法。本研究採準實驗研究法,以新竹縣樂樂國中八年級兩個班級為樣本,其中一個班級為實驗組接受差異化教學,另一個班級為控制組接受大班級教學。      本研究教學實施時間為六週共20節課,實施教學前依據9次段考成績平均(七上、七下、八上)將實驗組及控制組分為高、中、低程度三組。本研究以自編之「英語學習成就測驗」對實驗組及控制組實施前測、後測及延宕後測;以「英語學習動機量表」(徐玉婷,2004)對實驗組實施前測及後測;此外,實驗組另外施以差異化教學回饋問卷及晤談。   本研究將量化資料以獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、單因子共變數分析、二因子混合設計變異數分析等統計方式分析,質性資料以文件分析方式分析,研究結果如下: 一、差異化教學與大班級教學均能提升八年級生的立即學習成效及學習保留,且兩種教學方式在立即學習效果並未呈現顯著差異,而差異化教學的保留效果輕微高於大班級教學。 二、差異化教學對高、中、低程度的學生均有良好的立即學習效果及學習保留;大班級教學對高程度學生的立即學習效果及學習保留效果未有顯著影響,但對中程度及低程度的學生有良好的立即學習效果及學習保留。 三、差異化教學與大班級教學均提升八年級在英語學習成就測驗認字、文意字彙、文法及閱讀題組四個構面的立即學習成效及學習保留,且兩種教學課程未呈現顯著差異。 四、差異化教學及大班級教學均對中程度學生的程度分組的變動有影響。 五、差異化教學未能提升八年級生的英語學習動機。 六、大部分學生對差異化教學持肯定態度,並希望能持續接受此教學方式。 此外,研究者依據上述研究結果給予教學者及未來研究者相關之建議。


This study examined effects of Differentiated Instruction (DI) on eighth graders’ learning outcomes in English, including the learnig achievement, the learning motivation and eighth graders’ response toDI. The participants consisted of 30 eighth graders in the experimental group with DI and 30 eighth graders in the control group with whole group teaching. The experiment lasted for six weeks in a junior high school in Hsinchu County. The measuring instruments included an English achievement test designed by the researcher and an English learning motivation scale (Hsu, 2004). The data was conducted by pre-test study, post-test study, delayed post-test study, questionnaire and the student interview transcripts. The results are as follows: 1.DI and the whole group teaching both improved eighth graders’ English reading achievement. There is no significant difference on post-test between DI and the whole group teaching, but DI has slightly significant difference over the whole group teaching on delayed post-test. 2.DI has significant difference among high-achievers, middle-achievers and low-achievers while the whole group teaching has significant effects on middle-achievers and low-achievers. 3.There was no significant difference between DI and the whole group teaching. However, both DI and the whole group teaching improved eighth graders’ English reading achievement on word-recognition, vocabulary, grammar, and passage reading. 4.DI and the whole group teaching both have effects on the change of grouping for middle-achievers. 5.DI didn’t improve eighth graders’ English learning motivation. 6.Most of the students showed positive attitudes toward DI.


壹、 中文部分
丘愛鈴(2013)。 成就每一個學生:差異化教學之理念與教學策略。教育研究月刊,231,18-33。
