  • 學位論文


The Study of Using Push Notification Service in Smart Home

指導教授 : 劉宏煥


在這個充滿科技的年代,物聯網的時代來臨,相互串聯的智慧生活被視為未來居家結構的主流,加上智慧型手機已經非常的普及。因此我們利用了智慧型手機中的APP推播方式實作出一套智慧燈控系統,不管在任何地點只要手機能夠連上網際網路都能夠控制家中的電燈開啟或關閉,並且能調整電燈的亮度大小。手機的推播方式有很多種,如MQTT、GCM、XMPP、APNS等協定,每種協定都有它們自己的特點。在本論文中我們使用了MQTT 協定和藍芽協定作為傳輸基礎,並且利用了樹莓派3、RFduino和智慧型手機實現智慧燈控系統。本系統分成MQTT和藍芽兩個部分,我們用智慧型手機將欲傳送的指令(開燈、關燈以及調整電燈亮度)利用MQTT傳送至目的後,再利用藍芽傳送指令至控光電路,控光電路上的燈就會依據指令來亮燈。由於MQTT協定是利用網際網路來傳遞資料,只要是在網路是在穩定的狀態下,基本上訊息都可以及時傳遞。


The Internet of Things (IoTs) comes of age. A ubiquitous network composed of sensors, smart devices create a more intelligent, responsive, smart living environment. In this paper, we use the feature of smart phone-Push Notification to create a smart light control system. As long as the mobile phone is connected to the Internet, it can not only control the light to turn on or turn off but luminance no matter where it is. This study can also be extended to any smart home devices for an integrated usage. There are many ways to reach the feature - Push Notification, like MQTT, GCM, XMPP, APNS etc... Each protocol has there own characteristic. In this paper, we use MQTT and Bluetooth to transmit data, and use Raspberry Pi 3, RFduino and smart phone to realize smart light control system. There are two part in this system, MQTT and Bluetooth. We use smart phone to transmit command (turn on/off and luminance of the bulb) through the MQTT, then use Bluetooth to transmit command to the circuit. The circuit will control the brightness according to the command. Because MQTT use internet to transmit data, when the internet is stable, message can transmit in time basically.


[13]. Kevin Townsend, Carles Cufi, Akiba, Robert Davidson. “Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy” First Edition, O’REILLY, May 2016.
[1]. Wikipedia物聯網, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%89%A9%E8%81%94%E7%BD%91, May 2016.
[2]. Wikipedia智慧住宅, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%99%BA%E6%85%A7%E4%BD%8F%E5%AE%85, May 2016.
[3]. Ericsson, https://www.ericsson.com/thecompany/press/releases/2015/06/1925907, May 2016.
[4]. GCM, https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/?hl=zh-tw, May 2016.
