  • 學位論文


Tarot creative design Greek Mythology

指導教授 : 邱永中


塔羅牌中主要核心概念即為22張的大阿爾克那(Major Arcana)牌,也是至今最廣泛被使用的塔羅牌,因此以大阿爾克那(MajorArcana)牌結合希臘做為本研究的主要範圍。並且設計出22張希臘剪影風格塔羅牌、再以22張主牌插圖搭配希臘神話與塔羅解說,來設計出一本書冊。接著設計相關周邊,收納卡片之仿水束口袋,剪影徽章,來做搭配。   塔羅牌與當代媒體設計的運用下產生出許多各種不同類型的作品。各種搭配不僅引起風潮,讓觀賞者充滿趣味與想像,也常常成功地喚起大眾墜於幻想世界中。筆者在思考如何幫助"塔羅牌"做推廣的想法時,發想到把故事元素加入在卡牌中,能讓使用者在接觸塔羅牌的同時,了解故事劇情的趣味性。接著瞭解到希臘神話是塔羅牌由來而成。於是研究設計上,「希臘神話與塔羅牌」作結合是最佳的選擇。接著再思考如何達到加深記憶與連結發想時,閱讀過王藍亭於第二十三期「視覺圖像的類型與再認記憶之研究」期刊研究中記載的資料,便注意到黑白配色是不錯的手法,因此本創作研究採用黑白剪影,進行繪畫研究與實踐。給予追求無數創作中的繪畫者來說,這能帶給許多靈感與發想。因此本設計以剪影、希臘神話、塔羅卡牌創作作為研究範疇,並設計結合出22張塔羅卡牌。作品中的內容角色人物、構造等造型接以剪影呈現,內容人事物皆以希臘神話為主軸。描繪出擁有獨特風格,充滿趣味的卡牌。   據上所述總結,這次的創作目的,(1)探討塔羅牌、希臘故事之涵義,分析圖像作品表現形式。(2) 探討分析「故事屬性之塔羅牌」設計創作。(3)運用分析結果,搭配設計出剪影塔羅卡牌作品。


塔羅牌 繪圖插圖 剪影 希臘神話


The central concept in tarot is 22 Major Arcana, and Major Arcana is also the tarot cards that be most widely used. So this research combines Major Arcana cards and elements of Greek mythology to design the cards that display the world in Greek mythology in silhouette-styled, and with the introductions of Greek mythology story to create a booklet. Next, to create series of products, such as the waterproof drawstring bag (to stow the cards) and badges, to match the booklet. Tarot is applyed to create many a variety of works by contemporary digital media designing, at the same time, series of tarot products are all the rageex successfully and bring their audience fun and imagine. For this reason, I decide to combine silhouette and Greek mythology in designing the tarot cards. As a painter who always aim to creative, combining these two elements can inspire me many ideas and thoughts. The focal point of this research are silhouette, Greek mythology and tarot culture, and mix all of these elements to deign the tarot cards. All characters and things in Greek mythology are appeared in silhouette-styled, to create the tarot cards that are in spacial style and full of fun. In conclusion, according to the above, the aim of this create are three points. (1) To research the meaning of background story of tarot and Greek mythology, and to analysis the form of image creation expression. (2) To analysis the creatives and designs of tarot that combine with story. (3) Using the above analytical results, to design the series of silhouette-styled tarot products.


tarot illustration silhouette Greek mythology


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