  • 學位論文


The Multi-national Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment

指導教授 : 胡為善


本研究主要目的在於探討台灣、南韓、新加坡及愛爾蘭等四國在過去二十六年中,有關外人直接投資的比較,分別從勞動力條件、總體經濟的各項數據、基礎建設與重大國際政經事件等構面,以進行實證性研究。本研究深切盼望台灣能從南韓、新加坡、愛爾蘭的外人直接投資之經驗,汲取可學習之處,俾突飛猛進本研究係採用年資料,自1990年至2015年。 本研究以最小平方法(OLS)迴歸模型來作實證研究,並採用單根檢定、VIF、變異數異質性分析與自我相關檢定等方法進行模型驗證。在刪除一些變數後,再進行最終之迴歸模型分析;本研究發現台灣在吸引外人直接投資方面,以通貨膨脹率、出口貿易值及勞動參與率等三項變數呈現顯著影響;而南韓係以失業率、中央銀行重貼現率、勞動參與率及出口貿易值為吸引外人直接投資之重要因素;而新加坡則以中央銀行重貼現率、勞動參與率、政府教育支出占GDP的比率、行動電話用戶數及政經事件(如:參與亞投行)具有顯著影響。而愛爾蘭僅有通貨膨脹率一項在吸引外人直接投資方面,產生顯著影響。 經過實證比較分析後,本研究建議台灣政府應儘速推動以下三點:(1)國內教育加作前瞻性之變革;(2)政府應進一步吸引國際人才前來台灣創業、(3)政府應主動出擊,尋找潛在性投資者。其具體方法為透過基礎教育的改革,以招募未來國際社會需要的人才。另一方面,建議政府建構一個適合國際人才發展的環境,並主動尋找潛在性投資者,以引進外資及培養人才,從而進行交流的良性循環。由於樣本中的其他三國已在教育面進行過巨大變革,建議台灣政府絕不可忽視此次改革之機會,應重新審慎評估全國經濟發展,俾作戰略性的規劃。


This study examined the foreign direct investment among Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Ireland for the past 26 years. We focused on the labor force status, macroeconomic infrastructures and international business events as the main area for the comparison of these four countries. We intended to suggest the Taiwanese government to extract the precious experience on the foreign direct investment (FDI) from South Korea, Singapore and Ireland. This investigation used the annual data from 1990 to 2015 and employed the OLS regression method to examine various factors affecting FDI. Furthermore, we utilized ADF test, VIF, White-noise test and autocorrelation test to measure the requirements of the parameters. Empirical results show that the inflation rate, exporting amount and labor participation rate have significant effects on the FDI in Taiwan, while the unemployment rate, the Central bank rediscount rate and export amount have significant effects on the FDI in South Korea. Findings also indicate that the Central bank rediscount rate, labor participation rate, government expenditure on education, participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and mobile subscribers have significant effects in Singapore, while the inflation rate is the unique significant factor to attract the FDI to Ireland. This study proposed the following three suggestions to Taiwanese government: (1) Taiwan’s educational policy needs to be performed further revolution. (2) Taiwanese government should look for global talents to startup business in Taiwan. (3) Taiwanese government should proactively look for the potential foreign investors around the world. Also, this investigation suggested that Taiwanese government should set an investment-friendly environment and develop a global talent attractive project to create a virtuous cycle between FDI and talents exchange. Since other three countries had already implemented performed the educational revolution, we strongly recommend. Taiwanese government should not miss this transforming opportunity.


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