  • 學位論文


Independent Travelers Use of Social Network Travel Information

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


近年來國人自助旅行成長迅速,以及網路社群的興起,網路旅遊資訊的交流已不再依靠網路主流媒體(如yahoo、Google等)所提供的內容,消費者尋找資訊的方式逐漸轉至經由與其它網友的討論分享過程取得值得信賴以及不同一般團體旅遊的資訊,甚至具有挑戰性的旅遊資訊。因此,本研究從自助旅行者的個人創新特質、網路社群互動性及情感訴求來探討使用旅遊網路社群資訊意願。 本研究以使用過旅遊網路社群為研究對象,透過網路問卷方式發放,總共回收453份有效樣本。本文以結構方程模式(structural equation model)為主要分析方法,透過LISERAL8.54進行驗證性因素分析和結構模式分析,驗證各變數間闗係。本研究結果發現自助旅行者的個人創新特質、互動性及情感訴求等因素會影響知覺風險、信任及沉浸經驗,而知覺風險、信任及沉浸經驗等因素會影響旅遊網路社群資訊使用意願。


Independent travelers grow up using fast developing social networks. Searching information is done not only via search engines (e.g. Google and Yahoo). Customers are using social networking more and more to search or discuss how to get incredible and different travel information, often even more exciting than previously available. This study investigates personal innovation, social network interaction and emotional appeal effects of consumers using social network travel information. The study results show the influence of personal innovation, social networking interaction and emotional effects on perceived risk, trust and flow experience of consumers who use social networks for travel information. The main analysis model (a structural equation model) studied people using social network. The data was collected via an online survey which received 453 samples. The data was analyzed by conducting a confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis via LISERAL8.54 which was tested for a statistically significant to fit standard data and the study assumes.


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