  • 學位論文


Applying Psychology Theory in Mathematics Education of Indonesian Middle School Student

指導教授 : 王牧民


這項研究目的是為印尼的中學生建立一個數學教育的學習模型,此模型著重於在教學過程中吸引和維持學生的注意力以及最大化學習效果。此研究設計利用Design-Based Research,包含五個主要的步驟:需求分析、文獻參考、模型建構、審查和結論。研究的結果表明(1)此學習設計模型包含於Behavioral Family Models (2)雖然模型之部分架構與Direct Instruction Model相似,但在最後的部分卻完全不同(3)學習模型的成功,仰賴以下條件除了安靜、舒適的教室環境外,還需努力避免在配對學習時,低學習成就的學生,自我貶低和高學習成就的學生,低估地學習成就的學生的能力之情況(4)此學習模型的結果是相當好的,因為附有詳細學習活動而這些活動皆依據心理學理論設計之。


The aim of this research is to construct a learning model of mathematics education for Indonesian middle school student that focuses on getting and maintaining students’ attention and maximizing a transfer of knowledge during learning. This research uses design-based research where consists of five main steps such as needs analysis, literature review, constructing model, revising and finalizing. The results show that: (1) the learning model design resulted is included in behavioral family models, (2) the final phase of this learning model with direct instruction model is totally different, even there is a similarity on the learning syntax, (3) the needs of class environment setting that should be totally quiet and comfortable and the needs of efforts to avoid the low performance students become unconfident to top performance students and also to avoid the top performance underestimate the low performance students when they are paired should be satisfied to obtain the aims successfully, and (4) the learning model resulted is very powerful because it has a clear phase of learning model and the availability of learning activity (include the time allocated) design that very good to implement because each step is confirmed and referred to psychology theory thus no step of learning activity can be omitted because it relates to each other.


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