  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Academic Affairs Chatbots

指導教授 : 孫天佑


摘要 近年隨著大數據與人工智慧的興起,聊天機器人的應用成了業界熱門話題。同時,國人使用行動裝置的取向,也有別於以往下載各式各樣的APP,取而代之的則是使用那些實用性較高的通訊軟體。 在這樣的狀況下,開發一套全新的APP,已經不是目前業界首要執行的任務。於是企業紛紛將自家服務與聊天機器人做整合,用來取代傳統客服系統或是做為協助客戶進行自動化流程的工具,讓客戶在使用通訊軟體的同時,就能得到企業產品相關服務。 因應這個趨勢,我們思考生活周遭有哪些事情,在加入聊天機器人的運作後,能簡化操作流程,讓事情的處理變得更順手。於是想到學生在查詢成績時,往往需要經過各種程序才能得到資訊。為了簡化這個問題,我們決定設計「成績查詢學務系統」。讓學生能藉由對話的模式,即可完成排名與成績查詢的動作。 本論文使用Google Dialogflow 來設計聊天機器人的對話程序,並且使用Node.js來處理相關資料查詢。而資料服務的層面,會使用 JSON Server來存取使用者相關資訊。使用者介面的部分則是用LINE Developers做開發。 關鍵字:APP、人工智慧、大數據、聊天機器人、客服系統、Dialogflow、JSON Server、Node.js


Abstract As big data and artificial intelligence are on the raise day by day, application of chatbots becomes a very popular topic in various industries. At the same time, due to our fellow countrymen preferred usage of mobile devices, those communication softwares that have a wider arrange of usage are gradually replacing all kinds of APP that people download. Under such a situation, devloping a whole new APP may not be the top priority for most companies nowadays. Thus many companies intend to develop a chatbot that can integrate with the company's services, so as to replace the traditional CRM system or to provide better assistance to customers for automating service workflows. By using the chatbot as a communication software, customers can enjoy the services of the company. In consideration of above trend, we need to think which procedures in our daily life can be greatly simplified by using a chatbot. An apparent candidate is the problem of looking up the grades of the courses that a student takes at school. Usually the student has to go through a series of procedures in order to do so. For this reason, we design an academic affairs chatbot system so that students can check their grades and class ranking through a easy to use conversation process. In this thesis, we use Google's Dialogflow to design the communication process of a chatbot, and use a Node.js backend to handle data fetching tasks. JSON Server is used as the data service layer to retrieve user's information. The UI of the chatbot is designed using Line Developer. Keywords: APP, artificial intelligence, big data, chatbot, CRM system, Dialogflow, JSON Server, Node.js.


APP artificial intelligence big data chatbot CRM system Dialogflow JSON Server Node.js


[1] Dialogflow 沿革
[2] Dialogflow官方文件

