  • 學位論文


Research of Applying Cloud Management in Army Force -An Example of Parking Lot Management at Air Force F

指導教授 : 曾世賢 賴正育


近年智慧型行動裝置、雲端運算及所需資訊安全等資通科技蓬勃發展,市場分析預估智慧型行動裝置全球出貨量將達8.51億個,需求正快速成長,而全球雲端運算產品與 服務產值將突破1,300億美元,鑑此,我國政府提出「智慧手持裝置核心技術提昇計畫」,並強調「產值」和「價值」並重的雲端產業政策,促進台灣轉型成為雲端軟體運用創新科技島。隨著智慧型行動裝置日漸風行,企業計畫導入智慧型手機,以提昇員工生產力及競爭力相對國軍部隊引進智慧型裝置來提昇生活管理方面,目前只有「國軍智慧卡」及「軍雲」等智慧型系統,跟外面社會有明顯有落差。以資訊安全為首之國軍資訊網路環境,對於運用智慧型行動裝置及雲端運算更須審慎規劃,應由安全政策訂定、申請審核管制、安全稽核至定期檢討,完善規劃所需系統架構、發展與安全,奠定研發技術能量,以維國軍戰力。以目前科技發展趨勢,次世代資通系統之現代化包含智慧型行動裝置、雲端運算及資訊安全等項目,為提昇競爭力,科技產業首在技術自主,尤以核心技術之掌握為主,同樣地,在不對稱作戰環境下,為滿足國軍需求,我國國軍部隊如何運用次世代資通系統,進行生活能量相關雲端管理系統研發並自主掌握所需關鍵技術,以協助建構一支 「科技先導」的現代化勁旅。本研究透過現行社會上常用之兩種停車場管理系統,以文獻分析法來進行無線射頻管理系統及車牌辨識系統之優缺點,進而選擇適合研究對象使用之系統,套用至現行管理作法,發現利用導入雲端資料庫相關管理系統後,除能解決人為誤失、人力浪費及資料失準之問題外,對管理者稽核作業上,減少了許多不必要的負擔同時增加了相當性的準確度。


Recently, the development of Smart Mobile Device , Cloud Computing and related Information Security is rapidly growing. The Sales of Smart Mobile Device will reach 85.1 billion ea by marketing analysis and the related servicing industries profit will breakthrough 13 billion USD. Based upon, the ROC government bring the project named “The Ascension of Core Technology of Smart Mobile Device”and mainly focus on “profit” and “Value” to the policies of “Cloud” business. Jan. 2013,Starting the Cloud Tech. park in NeiHu Taipei with BOT case, 2016 establishing the operation center of Cloud service, to push Taiwan to the island of evolutionary Cloud software application technology. By growing of using smart mobile devices, it’s apply in cooperation to elevate the production and competitiveness. Thus, the events that always happened in smartphone of hack attack to Android OS had reached 130K by the end of 2016.Therefor the problem of security measures is second the price dropping and beyond the requirement of using friendly and application services to the enterprises. However, the cloud application is worldwide trend, the virtualization baesd cloud environment has to face all the IT security issues such as malware, spam, phishing to the PC, zombie computer , blocking attack, social attack and the middle man attack to the server. The mainly concern the introduction with the cloud service to the military is the security assessment and the key factor to the success is the assurance of information security. Conclude all above the way to make sure the efficiency and the security and seek the balance between convenience and IT management is an important subject. The military internet environment should carefully drawing the smart mobile devices and the cloud operation plan also consider the security policy, application examination, security auditing and the development of technology to assure the combat power of the Armed forces.


Information Security IT


17.張政源、謝昇毅,2014,臺南市海安路地下停車場活化 (智慧型人性化) 與地面層配套規劃. 都市交通, 29(2), 59-62。
