  • 學位論文


Research on the Industrial Heritage Education Method in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林曉薇


文化部文化資產局(前行政院文化建設委員會,後簡稱文資局)自1990年末起推動產業文化資產調查研究政策,具有產業及地方發展史價值的產業文化資產逐漸被重視,至今仍持續推動各項產業文化資產清查及再利用計畫。但現行臺灣對於產業文化資產的推動政策與再利用方式,依然多以配合觀光為主,產業文化傳承面臨斷層、員工不易跳脫原有專業、推廣觀光人士不理解產業文化資產價值意涵等專業知識及人力的匱乏。此外,推廣教育不足亦導致民眾對於產業文化資產的無感,因此如何培育產業文化資產專業人才及深化產業文化資產推廣教育是現階段產業文化資產保存的重要課題。   本研究針對此課題以文獻回顧及田野訪查為主要研究方法,從產業文化資產相關政策及推動計畫探究產業文化資產的教育及發展可能性,梳理產業文化資產教育在體制內教育與體制外教育的實踐,並以案例分析說明產業文化資產教育多元發展之可行性。   文化資產保存教育推動的重要性可由在1972年聯合國世界教科文組織在大會決議通過的世界遺產公約(The World Heritage Convention)中將「教育」獨立提出設為專章討論看出。而各國針對文化資產也進行多元化教育計畫。然而,雖然文化資產教育的討論在逐漸受國人重視,但臺灣的教育制度與觀念,對文化資產教育仍不足。而即便文化資產在2019年起將正式納入十二年國民義務教育社會領域之課程綱中,產業文化資產教育的概念相對薄弱。如何發揮育產業文化資產在環境、技術及社會影響之特質,轉化為教育資源及推動方式,是本研究之核心議題。   因此本研究利用比較研究法針對國內外產業文化資產案例進行分析,提出產業文化資產轉型教育操作方法建議方案,希望藉此提高民眾擴大參與產業文化資產教育活化及對於產業文化資產的認知。


The Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture (BOCH) has promoted the investigation and research policy of Industrial Heritage since the end of 1990s. Industrial Heritage representing the history of industry and local development have gradually been valued, and various Industrial Heritage inventory and reuse projects have continued to be promoted. However, the current strategy and re-use of Industrial Heritage in Taiwan is mainly based on tourism. It faces the lack of professional knowledge and manpower that no one inherits, and employees can’t get rid of the original profession and people who promote cultural tourism without understanding the value of Industrial Heritage. In addition, the lack of education also leads to the public's lack of sense of Industrial Heritage. Therefore, how to cultivate Industrial Heritage professionals and deepen the promotion of Industrial Heritage is an important issue at this stage.   This study is based on Document, Field Research and Comparative Research as the main research method. It explores the possibility of education and development of Industrial Heritage Education from policies and promotion plans of Industrial Heritage and sorts out how Nongovernmental Education and Educational Institution can practice Industrial Heritage Education. It analyses case studies to illustrate the feasibility of diversified development of industrial cultural asset education.      According to the Article 27 of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention) by United Nations Education, Scientific, and Culture Organization (UNESCO) in 1972 which emphasizes how important that young people should learn about the history and traditions of their own. However, industrial heritage education is not main part of formal education of education in Taiwan. Thus, there are some problems that heritage knowledge is lacking and not aware of its value. In this paper, I focus on the need for why the policies of industrial heritage cannot be promoted with formal education of education but tourism, and how the industrial heritage education of informal education is.   Therefore, this study analysis the Industrial Heritage cases between Taiwan and England, and proposes a proposal for method of Industrial Heritage Education in Taiwan, and hopes to increase the public's participation in Industrial Heritage Education activities.


一、 專書
● 楊敏芝、林曉薇(2012)。《借鏡:產業文化資產保存與再利用國外案例彙編》。台中市:文化部文化資產局。
● 楊敏芝(2012)。《進化:產業文化資產階段再生》。台中市:文化部文化資產局。
● 施國隆(2018)。《翻轉‧再造-產業文化智慧的活用與創新參考手冊》。台中市:文化部文化資產局。
