  • 學位論文


Discussion on engineering planning, design stage and implementation of risk judgment- In the case of trench construction industry

指導教授 : 李正文


營造業在國內事屬高風險性之行業,根據勞動部103年勞動檢查年報統計,103年工作場所重大職業災害死亡人數為346人,營造業工作場所重大職業災害死亡人數為168人,營造業占整產業49%,原因於工程之設計或施工規劃階段,未考量其本質安全之設計,即未事先評估及消除未來作業可能引起之潛在危害或利用本質安全裝置等防止危害之發生,極可能發生重大職業災害。 OHSAS 18001預計2016年轉換成國際標準化組織的標準ISO 45001:2016職業衛生安全管理標準,配合經貿之國際標準發展趨勢,國際標準是具合理之訴求及容易接受,可以有效的技術性解決貿易障礙,而風險評估是建構職業安全衛生管理系統的基礎,適切的執行危害鑑別、風險評估,可協助事業單位有效控制危害及降低風險。 本研究參考「國家級職業安全衛生管理系統指引」、「風險評估技術指引」、「職業安全衛生管理系統-要求(CNS 15506:2011)」、「職業安全衛生管理系統-指導綱要(CNS 15507:2011)」、「ISO 31000風險管理原理及指導綱要(Risk management–principlesand guidelines」、OHSAS 18002: 2008」、「管道工程作業安全指引」等文獻,探討管溝工程之設計或施工者危害鑑別應注意的項目、工作場所的危害來源、危害發生的類型及後果嚴重性等相關資料,設計危害鑑別、風險評估的方法。本研究並以管溝開挖及推進工程作業為案例於設計或施工規劃階段實施風險評估,驗證本研究所建立之風險評估方法的有效性。 研究結果顯示本論文所提風險評估方法,可有效的辨識營造工程工作場所潛在的危害,透過危害事件嚴重性及可能性利用風險矩陣表決定風險等級,對不可接受之風險,採取消除、取代、工程控制、管理控制、個人防護具致力防止工程施工時發生職業災害,降低工程之風險。


The local construction activities expose to high risks of safety and health. The 2014 Annual Labor Report announced by the Ministry of Labour showed total 346 deaths were caused by accidents on the work sites during 2014, among which 168 deaths, i.e. 49%, occurred during construction activities. One of the major causes may be the design or construction planning didn't take safety into consideration, and proper precautions were not implemented to prevent potential hazards and accidents. OHSAS 18001 is expected to be revised on the basis of ISO 45001:2016 Occupational Safety and Health in 2016. In consideration of the development of international businesses and trades, international standards are reasonable and acceptable, and they can effectively eliminate the technical barriers to trade. The risk assessment is the foundation for the management system of occupational safety and health. Proper hazard identification and risk assessment, can help the businesses to effectively control and reduce different risks. After reviews and on basis of the literatures including "National Occupational Safety and Health Management System Guidelines", "Risk Assessment Technical Guidelines", "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems - Requirements (CNS 15506: 2011)", "Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems - Guidance (CNS 15507 : 2011) ", " ISO 31000 Risk management–principles and guidelines ", " British Standards Institution, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Series-Guidelines for the Implementation of OHSAS 18001:2007, OHSAS 18002:2008" and " safety guides for pipe construction activities”, this study explores: the hazard identification for the design and construction of trenching projects; sources of hazards for occupational accidents; types of occupational accidents and their consequences; hazard identification for designers of construction and similar projects; and risk assessment methods. The case study for activities of trenching and excavation were completed to have deeper insights for the risk assessments necessary during the design or construction planning, and the results of the case study are used to verify the effectiveness of the risk assessment methods proposed in the context of this study. The results show that the risk assessment methods proposed can effectively identify potential hazards for construction and similar activities by using proposed risk matrix to determine the level of severity and possibility of accidents, and corresponding precautions, including preventions, mitigation, substitution, controls, management, personal protection equipment, can be proper adopted and implemented.


16. 行政院勞動部,「橋樑工程規劃設計階段實施施工安全風險管理技術手冊」,2007。
4. 行政院勞動部(前勞工委員會),「國家級職業安全衛生管理系統指引」,2007。
7. 行政院勞動部,「職業安全衛生法」,2013。
10. 勞動部職業安全衛生署,職業災害統計網路填報系統/填表說明/附表二:災害類型分類說明表,https://injury.osha.gov.tw/unit_main.aspx。
1. 勞動部職業安全衛生署,「103年勞動檢查年報」,2014。
