  • 學位論文


A Study of the Owner's Right of Change Order in Public Construction

指導教授 : 姚志明


公共工程契約中絕大多數材料均由承商提供,應為學說上所稱的工作物供給契約,此一工作物供給契約究係「承攬契約」還是「買賣契約」,通說與實務見解均採「當事人意思說」為判斷的標準。但另有學說以為,解釋工作物供給契約之性質,應以供給材料是否於報酬之外另行計價而定,如其材料供給部分包含於報酬之內而未另行約定計價者,宜認其為單純之承攬;反之,材料供給於報酬之外,約定另行計價支付者,具有買賣性質而應認其為混合契約。 有文獻認為工程之「契約變更」分為兩種,一為「正式的契約變更」,另一為「擬制的契約變更」,所謂「正式的契約變更」,乃業主或工程司(代表業主)依據契約約定的指示權,對工程所為的變更指示,此即為業主的變更指示權,而所謂「擬制的契約變更」,指業主或工程司以非正式的口頭或書面,使承商增加原契約以外之工作,而形成契約變更,並使承商因而得對業主增加報酬之請求或因而得調整工期。 業主變更指示權,是賦予業主以其單方的意思表示,即可將原已成立的契約內容加以變更,此種業主單方所擁有的改變契約內容的權利,可解釋為契約賦予業主單方的意定形成權,業主行使時有其一定之要件及限制。


The vast majority of material in the public construction contract is provided by the contractor and should be a contract of supply for the work referred to in the doctrine. This work supply contract is a " contract of forwarders " or a "contract of sale",both general and practical views are based on the "party's intention". But another theory that the interpretation of the nature of work supply contract should be based on whether the supply of materials in addition to the valuation of another pricing may be, if the material supply part is included in the remuneration and not otherwise agreed pricing, should be recognized as a simple contract of forwarders; on the contrary, the material supply to the remuneration, agreed to pay the other payers, with the nature of the sale should be recognized as a hybrid contract. There are literature that the project "contract change" is divided into two types, one for the "formal contract change", and the other for the "fictitious contract change". The so-called "formal contract change" is the owner or the engineering department (on behalf of the owners) in accordance with the contractual directive, the project for the change of instructions, this is the owners “Change Order”, The so-called "fictitious contractual change" means that the owner or the engineering department, in an informal orally or in writing, increases the contractor's work beyond the original contract to form a contractual change and thereby enable the contractor to request a higher compensation from the owner . “Change Order”is given to the owner by his unilateral meaning that can be change the contents of the original contrac. The right for the owner to change the contents of the contract can be interpreted as a contract to give the owner of the right to unilaterally formed.The owner have to fallow certain elements and restrictions when exercising.


