  • 學位論文


Security Risk Evaluation of Reactive Jamming Attack Threats in LoRa Environment

指導教授 : 田筱榮


隨著物聯網技術的發展與普及,無線物聯網廣泛地使用於智慧城市、智慧運輸等等各種大範圍的應用環境,LoRa (Long Range)因為具備長距離和低功耗的通訊特性,所以成為最常使用的通訊媒介之一。這些物聯網智慧應用若要達成目標,必須保有一定的通訊安全和品質,但是因為LoRa使用的是公用頻段,因此很容易受到通訊干擾或惡意干擾。為了緩解這些干擾攻擊對於無線感測網路的品質影響,必須依據環境狀況做出相對的措施。目前的許多措施是由閘道端按照所觀測到的環境狀況決定如何調整相關通訊參數,然而閘道端其實無法正確掌握節點所在環境的確實狀況。在這個研究中,針對LoRa環境之反應式干擾攻擊,我們提出了三個能夠在節點端觀測通訊品質狀況的干擾指標與產生指標數值的方法。我們於LoRa設備上實作了產生干擾指標功能,並實際模擬出有限度且低功率的環境與干擾攻擊的情境,實驗結果顯示,使用我們的指標可以顯示出節點數量增加造成的通訊干擾及不同類型的反應式干擾攻擊的差異,因此可以用於環境中是否存在攻擊威脅的安全風險的評估。


With the development and popularization of the Internet of Things technology, wireless IoT networks are widely deployed to support all kinds of smart environment applications such as smart cities or smart transportation. With the characteristics of being long range and low power consumption, LoRa becomes one of the popular choices for the underlying communication infrastructure. In order to achieve the goal set for these smart IoT applications, it is essential to maintain communication quality and security. However, LoRa operates at public shared frequency bands, which makes it susceptible to communication interference or malicious interference. To mitigate the communication quality downgrading due to these interferences, measures taken must correspond to the nature of the interference. Presently, gateways are responsible for adjusting communication parameters according to the communication quality they observed. Nevertheless, gateways are not always capable of obtaining information about the communication quality at the edge nodes. In the study, we proposed three indicators for communication quality and the modifications required at the edge nodes to obtain information for the calculation of the values of these indicators. A set of experiments were conducted using LoRa devices with the proposed modification implemented. The results show that the proposed indicators can be used to determine whether the cause of communication quality degradation is communication interference resulted from the increase in the number of nodes or the existence of one of the different types of jamming attacks. Therefore, with the proposed indicators, the security risk of reactive jamming attack threats can be assessed.


IoT LoRa LoRaWAN Reactive Jamming Attack Preamble Extension


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