  • 學位論文


Automatic Road Modeling for Urban Traffic Analysis

指導教授 : 蘇志文




In this study, we propose a method to construct road model which contains road area, traffic flow, and lane boundary automatically. The road model adapt to different scenes of individual cameras in urban environment. The analysis of urban environment is always one of the most important issue in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It is more practical and efficient to use surveillance cameras on the road rather than traffic sensors as our video sources. In this study, we split a video into segments which contain only simple traffic flows by finding when the traffic flows change. We also perform statistics of foreground and flow orientation on every segment, and merge similar segments to acquire primary foreground and flow distribution of a video. Next we fit lane boundaries by previous results. By combining primary foreground distribution, primary flow distribution, and lane boundary, we get a robust road model for further traffic analysis. The experimental results shows that our road model can describe not only simple (e.g. viaduct) but also complex (e.g. crossroads) scenes well.


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