  • 學位論文


A Study on Inheritance of Process Flow Knowledge Management of Micro Interior Design Enterprises during Construction Development Stage

指導教授 : 魏主榮


我國整體公司型態以中小型企業為主,室內裝修產業將近九成為5人以下之微型企業,就行業別來說室內設計業歸類為「專業、科學及技術服務業」,所以室內裝修業是應用專業科學知識及多元背景知識,提供專業技術服務與室內空間設計規劃、配置的行業。從業人員必須要有專業領域分析與解決複雜問題,具備優秀的閱讀、書寫、計算能力與溝通技巧,綜合多方面的理論與觀念,扎實的教育背景與經驗為本的職業。室內裝修過程中主要分為設計和施工兩大階段。設計階段主要是在溝通與圖說轉化能力,具備專業學經歷與符合法規證照的設計師來說皆都不至於產生太大的問題,但施工階段為圖面落實至現場階段,面對的工班種類、進出人員、現場問題繁多,預先計畫好的甘特圖時間工序常因為眾多變數而需修正調配,微型室內設計公司由於人員精簡,一旦員工離職,繁複的施工階段知識傳承若交接不完備就會出現問題,造成時間及金錢損失,為了保持專案施工作業流暢,微型室內裝修業必須落實施工階段作業流程的知識傳承。 管理大師彼得.杜拉克預言下一個社會是知識的社會,在未來的所有公司裡面都充滿了知識的工作者,這些人都熱愛工作,但不一定熱愛公司組織,隨時都會流動,所以公司的關鍵知識也會跟著這些人而流失,公司的策略應改變為「管理之道不再管人,而在管理知識。」本研究以個案研究法,進行室內裝修業專家與員工訪談,並透過施工階段的作業流程文獻探討,利用知識管理的六大過程「發現」、「儲存」、「維護」、「傳遞」、「應用」、「創造」將個案訪談資料分析整理與應用,結合隱性與顯性的知識,創造出新的施工階段工作流程,並採用電腦資料庫儲存,方便使用者存取運用。本研究發現,結構化的施工流程讓公司成員可以在既有架構中依循公司核心知識、給與適切回饋,標準化的施工作業流程,同時讓工作環境更為友善,也因為友善的環境,微型室內裝修公司中階個體知識支持者更有意願共享經驗知能,進而擴大公司組織知識庫,活化的知識庫得以讓微型室內裝修公司在高度變化的科技新知、人力資源異動中,成為公司成長與傳承的動力。


Small and medium-sized enterprises constitute the majority of overall enterprises in Taiwan. As for enterprises of interior design, more than 90 percent of interior design enterprises are constituted by less than 5 staff members and are categorized as micro enterprises. The profession of interior design are categorized as “professional, scientific and skilled service industry.” The industry of interior design requires designers to apply professional scientific knowledge, master multi-background knowledge, and provide professional services in order to design interior space and arrange space layout. While processing interior design cases, there are two main stages, design stage and construction development stage. During the design stage, communication with clients and the ability to transform concept into tangible drawings are essential. Interior designers with professional interior design study background training and with certificates which are compliant with legal regulations usually do not have issues during the design stage. As for the construction stage, when drawings materialize into reality, the complexity of arranging various work types, managing daily laboring issues, solving different problems, readjusting construction sequences due to different variables are things that interior designers inevitablely have to face. Due to the nature of micro interior design enterprises that only a few people are working, when someone quits the job, the inheritance of knowledge from predecessor becomes an issue. Time and money are often wasted due to partial knowledge transfer. In order to maintain professional flow during the construction development stage, micro interior design enterprises must follow the standardized workflow and knowledge inheritance. Peter Dulac, the master of management, predicted that the next step of society development is to become a knowledge society. In the future, every enterprise will be full of knowledge staff. These staff will be enthusiastic of their work, but they will not necessarily be enthusiastic of the enterprises and organizations. They will be constantly on the move. Enterprises and organizations will lose knowledge associated with a staff when a staff leaves. The management strategy that enterprises should apply needs to change to manage knowledge instead of managing staff. This research utilizes the case study method to interview micro interior design professionals and staff. Past studies of the workflow of the construction development stage are studed in this research. Through the six stages of knowledge management, “discovering, storaging, maintaining, sharing, applying, and creating” are analyzed. Combining tacit and explicit knowledge, a model for construction stage workflow is formed, applied, and stored as core knowledge base in an enterprise. Users can access the enterprise knowledge base from electronic means with convenience. This study found that a structured construction development workflow gives staff members working in micro enterprises a friendly environment to be willing to offer feedback and retrieve enterprise core knowledge. A living knowledge pool that is easy to inherit provides micro interior design enterprises means to survive and grow in a frequently changing human resource and technology modern world.


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