  • 學位論文


Culture Landscape Research of the Rukai Tribe in Dona Community

指導教授 : 堀込憲二


臺灣自2005年修定《文化資產保存法》中,正式新增設「文化景觀」的保存項目,將過往從單體建築保存的觀念,到已經逐漸轉變為整體的大區域尺度保存觀念。此一文化景觀保存項目,仍然有許多矛盾之處,因此以魯凱族多納部落的文化景觀作為研究之對象,將提供原住民多納部落未來在文化景觀保存上的詮釋。本研究透過文獻資料搜集分析,對部落進行田野調查、耆老訪談,來探索原住民魯凱多納部落文化景觀的特質。 然而,東、西方的文化發展差異,造就不同的文化景觀理論,台灣漢人的文化景觀思維是否與原住民族群不同,嘗試以微觀的單一研究多納部落文化景觀資源,到現有宏觀地探討國內外文化景觀保存觀念,將提供多納部落文化景觀保存上的異質性。 研究內容回顧過往國內、外對文化景觀之定義探討,其次探討多納部落的歷史變遷,以及檢視部落內的生產、生活、文化、信仰、思維的文化景觀資源。最後對於多納部落發現的文化景觀資源,提供未來在其他原住民族保存文化景觀資源的差異性研究。


魯凱族 文化景觀 多納 部落


In 2005, Taiwan amended its Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, officially adding “cultural landscape” as one of its preservation items and expanding the concept of preservation from single buildings to large-scale, region-based building clusters. However, many contradictions still remain concerning cultural landscape preservation. Therefore, this study examined the cultural landscapes of the Dona Tribe (of the Rukai people) to reinterpret the term “cultural landscape” for such Tribe. By collecting and analyzing literature data, conducting a field research, and interviewing senior Rukai people, this study explored the characteristics of the cultural landscapes of the Dona Tribe. Differences in the cultural development between the Eastern and the Western societies have created different cultural landscape theories. Likewise, the idea of cultural landscape may be different between Han Chinese and indigenous people living in Taiwan. Therefore, this study adopted both a microscopic and a macroscopic perspective, in which the former studied the cultural landscapes of the Dona Tribe, whereas the latter investigated cultural landscape-related preservation concepts in Taiwan and abroad. Such an investigation provided insight into the difference between the idea cultural landscape preservation held by the Dona Tribe and that held by the general public. This study first revisited the definition of cultural landscape provided by existent domestic and foreign research. Next, the study examined the historical changes and cultural landscapes of the Dona Tribe, the latter of which included aspects such as productions, lifestyle, culture, religions, and ideologies. Finally, the study identified the cultural landscape resources of the Dona Tribe that can be used by future studies examining the differences in cultural landscape preservation between different indigenous people.


Rukai Cultural Landscape Dona Tribe


