  • 學位論文


Dynamic component-Building cortex as an example

指導教授 : 陳宏銘


科技的進步使製造方式產生改變,建築型態也隨著數位科技的發展有巨大的變化。積層製造的出現使生產速度增快,成本因此降低,近年來對於客製化構件的需求逐漸增加,並以建築構件需求更為顯著。建築的動態行為其中一些概念具有適應周圍環境使建築形態改變,因此被密集地被提及與談論其構成方式,並將這些建築的動態行為依據不同的運動方式做分類。   數位科技運用於建築行業最早由Frank Owen Gehry將電腦輔助設計做為設計方式與製作流程的工具,使建造模式改變。數位科技的建造行為產生動態性建造模式的發展,使建築能以快速調整的方式產生不同的形態,Borhani Alireza利用參數化設計與快速成型製作連續性結構,能快速調整建築與元件型態,也因此改變了過去的設計思維。當社會與經濟的快速發展改變了生活方式,建築的動態行為因此出現。William Zuk與Roger Clark最先開始對動態元件做分類,而建築的動態行為由仿生建築的擬態到動態元件適應環境的變化,使建築的動態行為產生多種的分類方式與討論。為了因應特殊元件形態的製作,構件類型的數位參數化因此出現,從過去龐畢度中心以客製化構件使建築結構體產生最大的效益,到現在Meibodi Mania Aghaei以數位參數化的方式使自由形體且複雜的形式易於連接。   本研究試圖回顧文獻並以積層製造的方式做動態建築的歸納與分類,利用Michael Shaumacher對於動態建築的分類方式分析與建立參數化元件模組,並建立三種元件型態做譜系建立與比較分析。元件型態分別以卡榫式元件、線性元件與利用材料彈性做元件型態,並將動態元件式構件應用於建築皮層,做元件的動態行為的探討,作為本研究重要的課題。   綜合本論文的操作結果可得知,數位設計所帶來的數位媒材,改變了過去的操作方式與構築型式。本研究建立參數化元件模型觀察元件間的相互關係,以快速成型測試單元體間的構成形態,模擬形塑時所構成的方式。元件的動態行為以縫隙與卡扣等方式做元件的組合,探討幾何形體的組成所帶來移動上的限制與形變侷限,並操作其中的元件做測試與模擬建築中的元件式動態結構。


In the beginning of the 18th and 19th centuries, mankind underwent the first industrial revolution. The appearance of steam engines saw the replacement of manual labor by mechanization and changed the way that many products were manufactured; many new materials were produced that caused major breakthroughs for mankind’s construction methods. Under the mechanisms of capitalism, manual production technologies accumulated knowledge that was converted into mechanized manufacturing that greatly improve a product’s competitiveness and production volume by modularizing specifications. In the beginning of the 21st century, the digital era caused high volume customization to replace high volume production, architectural styles were no longer restricted by materials, and new construction methods surfaced to greatly reduce the labor and time costs required for construction. As demand for customization increased, the forms created using traditional materials also grew in diversity; customized connectors no longer required the production of additional molds which caused the possibilities of architectural construction to become more diverse. Due to technological advancements, architecture changed from vertical and horizontal cement walls to freely formed curves. Dynamic architecture is a form that was unachievable in the past but is now used to address the changing requirements of buildings to enhance the vitality of cities. The introduction of digital design has caused architectural forms to grow in complexity, accelerate the construction process, and reduce the required labor costs. Layered structure compositions have changed traditional construction methods to increase the diversity of architectural form compositions and minimize errors in the implementation process. In the past, architectural construction required massive amounts of labor for specialized measurements to cut materials into required sizes; it was not possible to utilize pre-casting to partition and modularize materials. With digital parameters, components with special forms can be quickly manufactured, reduce labor costs for on-site assembly, and simplify the manufacturing process. For spatial forms that grow in complexity, single framework connection points can no longer satisfy the requirements of architectural composition. Budget restrictions do not allow for molds to be produced for specialized parts and therefore limit design processes while more complex forms of connectors also produce challenges in the manufacturing process; every mold creation also consumes supplies and costs, causing most customized parts to be used in structural bodies. The arrival of digitization and 3D printing technology has caused high volume customization to gradually replace high volume production while also gradually decreasing the demand for creating molds. Building modularized component forms and components formed by 3D printing drastically reduce the challenges of manufacturing forms and increases the variety of work compositions so that imagination is no longer restricted by the singularization of parts. The relationship between man and architecture is often as objects or existence as a form of residence; the endless changes to the requirements of spaces has caused new imaginations in architecture. Early dynamic parts can be modern venetian blinds, mobile spaces, or rooftops that can change. Architects have begun to think about how the movement of components, spaces, or even urban movement can more effectively utilize space. Since 1985, Santiago Calatrava Valls has bestowed dynamic vitality to architecture so that the connection between buildings and cities have begun to interact with environments, increasing mankind’s imagination between dynamic components and the environment.   In terms of self-learning, I carry a high interest in architectural methods and hope to utilize digital manufacturing methods to solve the issue of architectural compositions. By using dynamic components as a central theme, I hope to research the many possibilities of dynamic components under varying configurations.


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