  • 學位論文


Dial-up procedure based on bluetooth protocol in linux system

指導教授 : 張豫虎


近來無線通訊領域裡,藍芽協定受到極大的注目。以頻寬來說,只有1Mbps頻寬的藍芽規格並不是辦公室內最佳的區域網路(LAN)選擇方案,但是對於一般消費者而言,藍芽無線網路裝置卻是一個非常好的系統,可以用來架設個人網路(PAN),讓不同的藍芽設備共享資源,經由藍芽協定可以讓PDA跟數據機、印表機及電腦等彼此間互相傳遞資料;也由於藍芽協定可應用的電子產品範圍廣泛,所以受到許多大廠的重視。 而linux作業系統以穩定性高,功能強大,且程式本體小巧,最重要是它免費、開放程式碼的特性,所以本研究應用的作業系統採用此系統。 本論文將先略述藍芽通訊協定為何,其通訊架構包含哪些部分,並對其核心協定部分皆做一簡介;各部分環節是如何搭配運作。再者,以針對與進行撥接上網功能的相關輪廓為主,依序介紹藍芽之數種輪廓;跟各輪廓之功能中跟其步驟流程為何。 最後則是簡述如何利用一台桌上型電腦跟一筆記型電腦各搭配一藍芽模組以進行藍芽連結,同時桌上型電腦連接數據機以模擬無線藍芽數據機之功能,去實現利用藍芽無線進行撥接上網輪廓的功能。並將研究過程中所需之軟、硬體及相關資料做一簡單說明。 由於序列埠通訊在現今的環境中仍是十分常見,因此相信經由此在linux環境下進行藍芽撥號上網之研究,對於相關也採用序列埠通訊的應用程式其研發藍芽無線傳輸的功能將有助益。


藍芽 撥號上網


We need an economical wireless solution that is convenient, reliable, and operates over a longer distance than infrared . In many emerging wireless solutions. Bluetooth wireless technology is promising enough to elicit the support by a board of vendors representing all segments of the computer and communications markets. Blustooth wireless technology can provides low-cost, high levels of integration and ease of configuration services which have the potential to change current mobile computing and network connectivity paradigms. Moreover because Bluetooth wireless technology supports both voice and data . These include not only devices like notebook computers but also wireless connectivity solutions such as meet your needs. Bluetooth devices are intended to replace cable connections between computers, peripherals, and other electronic devices, which can also be used for establishing a dial-up connection to the internet between a laptop and a modem. The content of this article is Dial-up networking profile in Linux system. First, both the core protocols of Bluetooth stack and those profiles about Dial-up Networking in Bluetooth specification are introduced by order. Secondly some procedures of each step in Dial-up networking profile will be discussed. At the end , By using one desktop and one laptop ,each device operates with a bluetooth module to demo an emulation of Dial-up networking profile in reality. Finally showing some situations that may cause a fault in this implementation.


Bluetooth Dial-up Linux


[1].Bluetooth protocol architecture riku mettala 著
[2]. Bluetooth-core_10_b
[3]. Bluetooth-profile_10_b
