  • 學位論文


A Study on a Generalized Model for Creative Problem Solving

指導教授 : 王晃三


自古以來,問題一直是人類生活中的一部份,隨著社會與環境的劇變,問題趨於龐大且複雜,如何有效的解決問題一直是各行各業的重要課題。 對企業界而言,面對複雜而多變,時間緊迫的經營環境,加上知識經濟時代的來臨,在在要求活用知識管理,尋求「創新與突破」。因此之故,如何有效結合創意與創新於問題的解決與管理之中,更是學術界以及企業界所特別重視的課題。 本研究旨在著眼於現代的經營管理環境的特質與需要,統合KT理性思考法與限制理論TOC之思考程序,發展一個一般化的創意型問題管理模式。為此,本研究採用文獻探討、深度訪談、評比分析、個案研究,深入探討有關問題的本質、分類與問題管理學的基本架構與問題管理歷程等課題。然後深入並分析比較KT理性思考法及限制理論TOC之基本架構及實際程序,利用其基本精神與問題管理解歷程發展一般化創意式問題管理模式 經由本研究之分析探討,完成三項重要任務:(一)深入了解並分析各學者有關問題定義、問題分類與問題管理歷程之差異。(二)深入分析KT理性思考法及限制理論TOC之基本架構及實際過程,比較其共通性、差異性、效益與限制。並評析問題解決的過程中,所發掘到之現象與問題加以評析,提出對策與建議。(三)以問題管理歷程之角度提出一般化問題管理模式並針對KT法及TOC法所做之個案分析加以研究並修正調整。


Problem solving has been part of human life ever since the early age. Following the enormous change in social environment, the problems to be solved continuously grow in size and complexity. As a result, how to solve problems effectively has long been a all-time task in each walk of life. Facing the complex, rapid changing and time-pressing environment, together with the emergence of the knowledge economy, how to incorporate concepts of knowledge management creativity as well as innovation with problem solving has been a great concern by both academia and the industry. The purpose of this study is to develop a generalized model foe Creative Problem Solving, by integrating the Kepner & Tregoe (KT) rational process, and the Theory of Constraints (TOC) approach. Consequently, this research adopts some approaches including literature review, in-depth interview, comparison study and case studies so as to explore the definition, classification of problems, and the structure, cycle of problem solving process. For this purpose the basic structure and procedure of the KT-rational process and the TOC-approach, are thoroughly studied. Finally, the findings are used to develop for creative problem solving process. The following three important tasks have been completed in this study: (1). The definition and classification of problem as well as the segmentation of the problem solving process, as perceived by various scholars are thoroughly studied. (2). Both the KT-rational approach and the Theory of Constraints approach are explored in depth with respect to fundamental structure, procedure, commonality, distinctive difference, effectiveness and limitations. (3) The development of a generalized model for creative problem solving process with verifications and modifications based on observations drawn from case studies.


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