  • 學位論文


Caculation of Voltage Dips in Fault Power Systems

指導教授 : 洪穎怡


摘 要 在現代的產業中精密的儀器增加,使得供電的品質廣泛的受到重視。在高科技產業的電力品質問題中,以電壓降最常發生。為了提高電力品質並預防電壓降的問題影響到儀器設備的正常運作,最好的方式就是對該供電系統監測,但是這必須要花很長的時間累積資料,如果我們能夠對該系統作電壓降的模擬,又能得到與監測結果相近的值,那我們就可以節省很多的時間。但礙於現在的系統龐大,且須精確的模擬下,所需的系統參數(如阻抗、電抗、容抗、發電機角度等)又要很多,且又不易取得,若我們能夠事先知道那幾種參數可以忽略不計,且又可以得到非常相近的值,在模擬計算時可省下時間且方便實施。 在本論文中針對一些目前在模擬上常用及常忽略的發電機初始角度、電壓,線路上的阻抗等作模擬測試,比較加入各種不同參數的模擬結果,提出一些建議,讓其他在作相同研究者做為參考,並且可以由模擬的結果針對影響電壓值變化最大的參數作探討,以提前對電壓降作預防。


Abstract The power quaility has been considered to be important due to the increase of high-precision insstrument. Amog the power quality problems the voltage sag occurs most ofen. Monitoring is the first step to improve the power quality. However, long time and a large amount of data are required for monitoring. For the sake of saving time, the simulation is essential with accuratr models by taking the system parameters (impedance, susceptance and generator, etc) into account. Moreover, if one knows which parameters could be omitted, the simulation time can be greatly reduced. This thesis investigates the impact of the generator initial angle, voltage, and line reisitance, etc upon the voltage sag simulation. The parameter with a greater impact was considered for future study.


power quarlity voltage dip short fault


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