  • 學位論文

經濟開放程度、失業率與外人對台直接投資 —總體經濟環境差異性之分析—

The Degree of Openness, Unemployment Rate and Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan:An Analysis of the Differences in Macroeconomic Conditions

指導教授 : 吳博欽


台灣加入WTO之後,經濟體系開放程度將加深,失業率面對上升的壓力,面對這些挑戰是否影響外人對台直接投資,是本文的研究重心。文中考慮投資國與被投資國在總體經濟條件上的差異,利用向量自我迴歸模型、共整合檢定、誤差修正模型,以及縱斷面與橫斷面共同資料估計法分析總體經濟變數與外人對台直接投資之間的關係與動態調整。實證上利用1992年至2000年間36個季資料,並選擇對台六大主要直接投資國(美國、日本、英國、德國、香港、荷蘭)與台灣在經濟開放程度、融資成本、資本報酬率、失業率方面的差異,以及新台幣對這些國家貨幣的匯兌比率等因素以進行分析。 由預測誤差變異分解的實證結果顯示,以對外人來台直接投資變動的解釋比重超過10﹪觀之,德國、香港與台灣的經濟開放程度差異顯著影響其對台的直接投資;新台幣兌德國馬克與英鎊比率分別影響德國與英國對台的直接投資;相對資本報酬率與融資成本差異影響外人來台直接投資則僅分別發生在德國與英國。 在對台直接投資的實證模型中,長期而言,美、日與荷對台直接投資的外生性是所有變數中最強者,至於香港、德國與英國對台直接投資的外生性分居各模型中所有變數的第二、四及四位,顯示改善我國與這些國家在總體經濟環境上之差異,有助於吸引其對台進行直接投資,包括:改善我國與香港在借款利率上的差距;改善我國與英國或德國在失業率、借款利率、股市報酬率及經濟開放程度上之差異等。 就共整合關係式而言,除德國外,經濟開放程度差異及匯率幾乎對各國來台直接投資產生顯著的影響;失業率差異、融資成本差異及相對資本報酬率則明顯影響英國、荷蘭與日本來台投資。失業率差異對這些國家來台直接投資的影響,隱含工資率變動對各國來台直接投資所產生的產出效果與替代效果之綜合效果是不同的;相對資本報酬率差異在衡量英國與荷蘭對台投資直接功效是明顯的且與理論相同,日本則否;經濟開放程度差異對美、日、荷來台投資直接的影響,說明台灣與這些國家的雙邊貿易額與其對台直接投資存在互補關係;對英國而言,則存在替代關係。 就動態調整而言,且各變數的落遲項對當期外人來台直接投資的影響差異性相當大。除了英國外,其他各國前一期對台直接投資的變動將影響其當期對台直接投資;前一期經濟開放程度差異及前一期與前兩期失業率差異的變動對當期外人來台直接投資的影響,則發生在德國對台直接投資上。此外,前兩期新台幣兌美元或英鎊匯率的變動,將分別影響美國與英國當期對台直接投資。 在總體經濟條件差異對各國來台直接投資的整體性效果上,本國資本報酬率與外國借款利率增加,均有利於六大主要對台直接投資國的整體對台投資;新台幣貶值或台灣的失業率下降,亦助於整體外人來台直接投資的提升。此外,日本與我國在各總體經濟變數差異在決定外人來台直接投資的綜合性效果上扮演最重要的角色。


This study considers the differences of macroeconomic conditions between home country and host country in foreign direct investment to analyse the long-run relationship and dynamic adjustment among foreign direct investment in Taiwan and other macroeconomic variables. The empirical methods include VAR model, Cointegration test, Error Correction model and Pooled cross-sectional and time series estimation. In evidence, I choose six important macroeconomic variables (the degree of openness, cost of founding, unemployment rate, return rate of capital, exchange rate, foreign direct investment in Taiwan), six countries (United States, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, United Kingdom and Netherlands) and time period between 1992 and 2000 to complete the analysis. According to the variance decomposition of forecast error, the exdogeneity of foreign direct investment in Taiwan by United States, Japan and Netherlands are the strongest among all variables, but for Hong Kong, Germany and United Kingdom the conclusions are invalid. In other words, through some macroeconomic policies, we can stimulate these countries to increase their direct investment in Taiwan. For Germany and Hong Kong, the degree of opening affects their direct investment in Taiwan. For Germany and United Kingdom, exchange rate influences their direct investment in Taiwan. Relative rate of return in capital influences Germany’s direct investment in Taiwan. And relative cost of funding significantly affects English direct investment in Taiwan. In cointegration equations, the degree of openness and exchange rate affect almost countries to invest directly in Taiwan. For United Kingdom, Netherlands and Japan, the differences in unemployment rate, cost of funding and rate of return will influence their direct investment in Taiwan. Besides, there has some different implications for the degree of openness, unemployment rate and rate of return to affect each country to invest directly in Taiwan. When the rate of return and relative cost of funding in Taiwan increase, or Taiwan’s unemployment rate decreases and New Taiwan dollar depreciates, the synthetic effect for the six countries to invest directly in Taiwan will increase.


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