  • 學位論文


The Study of the Anti-dumping System of the European Community.

指導教授 : 李貴英


論文提要 第一章 緒論 首先說明本篇論文撰寫的研究動機與目的,並對研究範圍及內容加以界定,最後則是說明研究方法與研究限制。 第二章 傾銷制度之說明 欲對歐洲聯盟反傾銷制度有深入之認識,首先仍應對傾銷之定義及傾銷之種類有所了解。本章之第一節先說明傾銷之定義、傾銷之各項類型及其區分標準,其次說明反傾銷制度之沿革;包括國際協定、歐洲聯盟及我國相關規範沿革。第三節則是從反傾銷措施與產業保護效果及競爭效果之觀點,簡要說明反傾銷措施對國際貿易之影響。 第三章 歐洲聯盟之反傾銷制度 本章係對歐洲聯盟之現行反傾銷制度進行介紹,內容包括反傾銷案件的主管機關、現行制度的實體規定與程序規定。歐體反傾銷規定中對傾銷行為的認定,除了傾銷行為、產業受有損害、傾銷與損害之間需具備因果關係之外,反傾銷稅的課徵並須符合共同體的利益。本章同時說明共同體利益條款、行政檢討、反吸收與反規避措施相關規定之內容。第三節則對我國新公布實施之平衡稅與反傾銷稅課徵實施辦法作整理介紹。 第四章 歐洲聯盟對我國產業採取反傾銷措施之案件 就歐洲聯盟對我國產業採取反傾銷措施之案件,分為已課稅終止之案件、課徵最終反傾銷稅之案件、課徵臨時反傾銷稅之案件、檢討中之案件、終止調查之案件及目前遭反規避調查中之案件,歸納分析調查過程及最後認定結果。 第五章 歐洲聯盟對我國產品採取反傾銷措施對產業之影響 就歐洲聯盟對我國產品採取反傾銷措施對產業之影響,分別從廠商出口市場占有率之變化、集中市場之股價表現及廠商因應策略等觀點,以實際案例進行分析。並討論反傾銷措施採行之後,我國廠商出口產品在國際市場上競爭力之變化。 第六章 結論 在了解歐盟反傾銷制度及相關案件分析後,於本章中對我國廠商面對傾銷指控時應有之態度提出建議,並說明本篇論文之研究結論。


歐洲聯盟 傾銷 反傾銷


ABSTRACT Chapter 1. Introduction The first chapter illustrates the motivation for writing this thesis and the research methods adopted in this thesis. In addition, this chapter defines the scope of this thesis and briefly describes the contents of the relevant chapters. Chapter 2. The Introduction of the Dumping System The concept of dumping is defined in article Ⅵ(1) of the GATT, now incorporated into the GATT 1994, according to which a product is dumped if it is introduced into the commence of an importing country at less than its normal value. This chapter illustrates the types of dumping and the historical development of multilateral rules on dumping. The third section discusses impacts of the anti-dumping measures from a competitive point of view. Chapter 3. The Anti-Dumping System of the European Communities The European Community implemented the 1994 GATT Anti-dumping Agreement by Regulation (EC) No 384/96. This chapter illustrates the administering authorities in the European Community, the determination of dumping, the determination of injury, material injury, causation, injury margins, protective measures and anti-dumping duties, including residual duty, provisional and definitive anti-dumping duties. The anti-circumvention rules are also introduced in this chapter. Chapter 4. List of Anti-Dumping Measures Imposed on Products Originating in Taiwan This chapter lists and analyzes the anti-dumping measures imposed on products originating in Taiwan, including antidumping measures in force, anti-dumping measures which have been terminated, new investigation cases, products under interim reviews or sunset reviews and products under anti-circumvention investigations. Chapter 5.Impacts on Taiwan Industry of the EC’s Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties Against Taiwan’s Products This chapter illustrates the negative impacts on Taiwan industry of the EC’s imposition of anti-dumping duties against Taiwan’s products. These impacts include the reduction of the exporting market shares, the industry’s stock prices in the public market. It seems that EC anti-dumping actions against imports from Taiwan will be further encouraged. Among Taiwanese products currently subject to EC anti-dumping measures, five out of nine have been imposed the duties since 1988, so it might be too early to make an overall evaluation on the negative aspects on Taiwanese industry. However, these measures will constitute an obstacle to the exports from Taiwan to Community market. There is a warning signal for Taiwanese producers. Chapter 6. Conclusion This chapter states the conclusion and research results of this thesis.


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曾靖雯(2006)。歐盟課徵反傾銷稅法律問題之研究 -以中國大陸輸出貨物為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2006.00388
