  • 學位論文


A Study On The Elderly Social Behavior In The Public Space Of The Elderly Housing

指導教授 : 曾光宗


﹝摘 要﹞ 由於醫學的發達使得人類的壽命越來越長,全球老年人口不斷增加,臺灣地區的人口結構亦呈現迅速老化的現象。高齡化社會成為各國政府所必須面對的重大課題,而其所衍生出的安養課題更是已開發國家所必須共同面對的。 人無法離群索居,高齡者的晚年應是在群體中度過。而且在心理,生理,社會角色的變化下,高齡者比一般人更害怕面對失落感及孤寂感。本研究基於老人權利宣言中「增進高齡者社會參與」的研究動機,針對高齡者設施做深入的調查與研究;因應高齡者身心機能狀況,提出一個具舒適性、安全性、及便利性的社交環境為基礎的建築計畫論述,是本論文的目的。 在研究方法方面,本研究主要以環境行為研究中「行為場景」(behavior setting)的概念來分析老人公寓中的社交行為,針對個案作深入觀察,並描述高齡者居住環境中之社交行為的真實生活面向。如何營造有關高齡族群適合使用的社交空間及其設施是重要的研究課題,本研究除期盼發掘出老人公寓中社交行為的問題及原因外,亦冀望完成以下項目: 1. 理解高齡者社交行為的內容與特質,並以個案研究的方式,描述老人公寓公共空間中高齡者社交行為的現況,分類高齡者的社交行為,進而分析「行為場景」的特徵。 2. 剖析高齡者社交行為之時空間構成,分別以社交行為中有關「時間」與「空間」的向度作為分析主軸。 3. 探討社交行為與空間物件的關連性,以了解人與人、人與物件、以及物件與物件之間的串聯關係,讓環境的組織結構易於被清楚理解。 4. 針對規模相似之不同的老人公寓進行社交行為及時空間特性的比較分析。 5. 綜合分析的結果,解析高齡者社交行為之需求,並歸納出具體的建議,提供未來空間規劃設計者參考。


Abstract Human’s life-span is extended more and more because of the success of medical science. The number of aged people constantly increased worldwide, the aging society has become serious problems in every country. The aging society raises the issue of the Supply and Need of Caring the Aged - a task that the developed countries need to face together. People can’t live without society. The aged should spend rest of their lives in the society as well.As they are encountering the metal changes, the physical changes, and the changes of the roles they have been used to, their fear of loneness is even worse than ordinary people’s. As a result of being motivated by the right declaration of the aged people - “to encourage the social involvement of the aged”, this study has undergone a deep investigation and research on the elderly housing today, Based on the concept of “behavior setting” learned form the environmental behavioral theory, this research has a thorough study on the elder’s social behavior by analyzing an individual case and the inhabitants’ actual behavior.How to build a social interactive space, which is appropriate for the aged is a very important and urgent issue. In addition to exploring the problem and causes of the problem for the elder’s social behavior, the objective of this research is to: 1. Explore the contents and specialty of the elder’s social behavior .By analyzing the individual case, this research is able to find out how they behave in the public space and in the elderly hosing. Furthermore, this research is to distinguish the characteristic of that setting, and to categorize the elder’s social behaviors 2. This research is intend to decompose how their behavior is constructed by time and space, and to analyze by these two major components. 3. The organization structure of the environment is consisted of by the connection of people to people, people to object, and object to object. Therefore, it is crucial to explore the relation between social behaviors and the objects surrounded. 4. This research is done by selecting similar elderly housings and comparing the inhabitant’s different behaviors. 5. This research finally concludes the outcome of the analysis, with the expectation to understand the demand of elder people’s social behavior, and propose substantial and influential recommendations as a consultation for space designer in the future.


1998 《社會科學研究方法》台北:時英。
李美華 譯(Earl Babbie著)
Amos Rapoport著,施植明譯,


王玟瑛(2016)。台灣老前住宅規劃新探 以平衡身心感受與設計實務為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600514
