  • 學位論文


A Study on Non-performing Loans of Banking Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 高儷華


摘要 民國八十八年七月一日起,政府將銀行等七大行業之營業稅率由5﹪調降為2﹪,同時要求將3﹪降稅利益作為沖銷逾期債權或提列備抵壞帳,使銀行等對增加不良債權沖銷及壞帳提列之誘因大為提高。本研究即以營業稅率調降為背景,探討國內上市上櫃銀行在稅率調降後,其催收款與壞帳提列是否顯著異於金融風暴前,同時瞭解催收款與壞帳提列在稅率調降後有否產生結構變動,以及過去業者是否存在隱藏不良債權之情形。 本研究首先以Chow test檢驗結構是否變動,再以迴歸分析探討催收款與壞帳提列變動情形,並進一步觀察新舊銀行、公民營銀行及自有資本比率高低與催收款及壞帳提列之變動是否存有關聯。 研究結果顯示,催收款與壞帳提列在營業稅率調降後已然發生結構變動,同時催收款與壞帳有明顯增加之現象,足見營業稅率調降前,銀行確實存有隱藏不良債權及壞帳之情形,並選擇在對其最有利之時機始予認列;其次,新舊銀行對催收款變動之影響也有差異,證明新舊銀行相互間競爭的結果,將影響授信品質;而公、民營銀行間,由於公營銀行背負沉重的特權及政策負擔,使放款決策及到期債權之執行充滿壓力。此外,自有資本比率高低與催收款及壞帳間,亦有顯著相關,雖然調降營業稅率期間的迴歸分析並不顯著,但此應係受到民國八十七年十二月三十一日調整自有資本比率計算標準之影響;另外,新舊銀行及公民營銀行與壞帳提列之關係,分析結果並不顯著,足見銀行受限於稅法之規定,各銀行對壞帳提列的影響程度並無顯著差異。 最後本研究發現,信用放款比率在稅率調降後顯著增加,而擔保放款比率則下降,顯示銀行已轉為注重借款戶之現金流量。其次,在期間上,擔保放款多為中、長期放款,而信用放款則集中在短期放款,顯見銀行信用放款比率雖然提高,但對借款人之償債能力仍存戒心,深恐日久生變。


Abstract On July 1, 1999, the government cut the business tax rate for the financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, investment trusts, securities firms and bills finance companies) from 5% to 2%. Under the new provision, the resulting tax saving could only be used to write off non-performing loans or to increase the provisions for bad debts. This government policy—which was adopted to help Taiwan’s financial institutions cope with a sweeping financial crisis in the wake of the 1997 collapse of currency and stock markets in Southeast Asia—provides a strong incentive for the banks to dispose of their problem loans. This research seeks to find out whether non-performing loans and bad debt provisions at the various banks, listed on the stock exchange and the OTC, show any noticeable differences as a result of the business tax cut, relative to the pre-financial crisis levels. This study also wants to understand whether the banks’ non-performing loans and bad debt provisions have undergone any structural changes in the wake of the tax reduction. A third question this study attempts to examine is if the banks have in the past adopted practices of concealing their non-performing loans. In conducting this research, the Chow-Test was used to look at the structural changes, if any. Regression analysis was also used to analyze the possible changes in both non-performing loans and bad debt provisions. Attempts were also made to find out whether the extent of changes in non-performing loans and bad debt provisions has anything to do with these other factors, such as a bank’s status (as a newcomer or one of long experience in the market), its ownership (government or private), and the level of its risk-based capital ratio. The research on the above-cited issues has produced the following findings. First, non-performing loans and bad debt provisions did show structural changes since the 1999 business tax cut. Moreover, both non-performing loans and provisions increased abnormally. This finding reveals a situation, in which many banks understated their non-performing loans and bad debt before the government cut the business tax. And they chose to recognize such understated problem debts only at a most opportune moment. Besides, the extent of non-performing loans varied with the “new” and “old” banks, a difference which seems to indicate that the intense competition between the two categories of institutions has an impact on the quality of their loans. Similarly, the seriousness of problem loans differs with government and private banks. Unlike the private banks, those owned by the state have the baggage of government policy and the privileged to bear. These institutions, therefore, often faced pressure in deciding lending policies and collecting payments on loans when they are due. Meanwhile, a bank’s risk-based capital ratio is also significantly related to its non-performing loans and bad debt. Though regression analysis indicates that no significant relation existed during the period of business tax rate reduction, it may be the effect of a December, 31, 1998 change in capital adequacy regulations. Regarding the issue of provisions, we do not find evidence of a significant relation between bad debt provisions and the banks status—be they new or old, or whether they are government or privately owned. This suggests that the banks, subject to tax laws, do not have significant difference in bad debt provisions. This research has also come up with these other findings: In the wake of the business tax cut, unsecured loans at banks showed sharp increases. Secured loans, on the other hand, came down. This seems to indicate that banks were paying more attention to their clients’ health of cash flow. Additionally, secured loans were extended mostly as medium and long-term loans, while unsecured loans were almost always granted for short-term durations. This might mean that the banks, despite their new willingness to increase the ratio of unsecured lending, are still cautious about extending term loans because of worries about customers’ ability to make repayments.


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