  • 學位論文


The Prerequisites of Data Warehousing

指導教授 : 劉士豪


在現今競爭激烈的二十一世紀,資料倉儲的建置已由策略武器變成企業的必需品,企業無時無刻面對著數量龐大、變化快速的訊息,所以有效的收集與管理這些資料,利用資料倉儲系統將之轉化為有用的決策資訊,就決定了企業的競爭能力。 每一個組織在啟始其資料倉儲專案時,都會遭遇到它在一群共同因素中與眾不同的獨特問題集。這些包含企業所處產業的行業特性,專案贊助者及組織議題,組織的資訊化程度,組織的技術複雜程度,作業系統的年齡和品質,資料的品質,和現存的決策支援環境。 對於企業而言,資料倉儲之導入不僅費時、需要投資大量資本、而且風險性高,所以許多企業不敢貿然導入。因此,如何有效導入資料倉儲,確保此資訊科技基礎建設能夠成功就非常重要了。本文的目的在透過個案研究的方式,驗証各項從相關文獻中所搜集得來的關鍵因素,了解其對資料倉儲系統導入的重要性,並探索出一組織的先決條件模型,供將要導入資料倉儲的企業參考。 建置成功的資料倉儲系統,將可幫助企業中決策人員分享與使用廣泛儲存的數位資料,使知識工作者提升其分析能力,並創造企業整體的智慧。期待經由本研究的進行,讓正在規劃資料倉儲的企業,可以瞭解影響資料倉儲導入的重要因素,以減少建置時可能的障礙與失敗的風險。對於考慮導入資料倉儲的企業,可參考本研究的先決條件模型,根據其本身的狀況,進行內部評估以了解資料倉儲導入專案成功的可能性,以及識別那些領域在開始導入前需要優先的關注。


We are in the keen competition 21st century; Data Warehousing was changed from strategic weapon to organizational essential. Organization faces large amount and quickly change information in every moment. So, how to collect and manage these data effectively, and use Data Warehouse System to turn it to useful decision information, are decide the company’s competition power. Nevertheless, every organization that initiates a data warehouse project encounters its own unique set of issues around a common set of factors. These include the business climate in which the organization exists, project sponsorship and organization issues, the information intensity of the organization, the technological sophistication of the organization, the age and quality of the operational systems, the quality of the data, and the existing decision-support environment Implement Data Warehouse is not spend long time, and need a lots of capital with highly risk, so many organizations they don’t want to implement hastily. Therefore, Implement Data Warehouse in a effective way, make sure this information infrastructure could successful is very important. The purpose of this research is use case study method,,examine all the critical factors come from relate articles. Find out the important ness for data warehousing, and explorer an organizational prerequisite model for organization. Successful implement Data Warehouse System could help decision maker in organization to share and use widely stored digital data, raise the knowledge worker’s analysis ability, and create the organization’s intelligence. We hope our research could let organizations know the critical factors that will affect the Data Warehousing, and reduce the possible obstacle and risk to fail during the implantation. For the organization that wants to implement the Data Warehouse, they can refer this prerequisite model. Base on their status, to internally assess the likelihood of data warehousing project success, and to identify the areas that require attention prior to commencing implementation.


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