  • 學位論文


A Case Study on System Migration for Enterprise Resource Planning

指導教授 : 皮世明


面對全球化運籌管理的趨勢,使得許多企業開始採取跨國性的經營模式。相對地,企業組織與規模也日益成長,這也導致企業對作業流程、企業資源與資訊系統整合表現出強烈需求,並希望藉由企業資源規劃 (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) 系統,做為組織內部的基礎建設,以即時提供資訊協助企業決策支援之用。 目前國內許多企業面臨如此衝擊,使得原有的資訊系統受到極大挑戰。有鑑於此,本研究主要目的在於探討企業進行企業資源規劃系統轉換時之動機,並透過相關文獻整理的觀點,分別就顧問公司與企業使用者兩方面來進行研究。研究進行方式主要係透過事先選定的對象進行深入訪談、實際觀察、蒐集文件等方式,希望能對這個議題有更深入的瞭解與探究。尤其近年來對ERP系統仍存在許多不同的說法與爭議,在此本研究也希望透過深入觀察,提出本研究之研究結果與建議。 經過本研究之研究後發現,若分別從企業、科技、組織及環境四個構面來看,顧問與企業的角度是有雷同之處,不過顧問公司主要是提供資訊服務,因此在思考時的廣度與遠度會較突出,企業則著重於本身資源上的評估與衡量,兩者在本研究的四個構面中,不全然相同與相異,但由於企業需面對環境競爭而快速調整,因此最後往往「環境」反而是促成系統轉換採用的最主要關鍵,希望藉由本研究的分析結果,作為企業在進行轉換時之參考依據。


Many enterprises begin to adopt transnational business models, because of the new trend of global logistics management. Besides, Due to the scale of enterprises become mature rapidly, it lead to the need of coordinating business process, resource and information technology/information system (IT/IS). Many enterprises expected to make use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as the infrastructure of enterprise, and try to get real time information to support the decision making. Nowadays, a lot of Taiwan’s enterprise under this kind of pressure which makes the previous IT/IS challenge more seriously. This study conducts a case study to discuss the important issue of ERP system migration. In this paper, the motivation of system migration is the main point. In order to get more insight, we try to make use of different viewpoint from consulting firm and enterprise. The research method is case study. We conducted a series of interview, and we collected many secondary data (including the documents and files). Although it has different arguments about the issue of ERP systems in recent years, this study attempt to have deeper understanding about the topic of ERP system migration. The research finding indicate that there are four dimensions (business, technology, organization and environment) constructing the decision of ERP system migration. The viewpoint of consultant firm and enterprise has some same thought about the issue, but they are still having something different. The consultant firm’s viewpoint is more broad and deep, because they focus on offering information service. On the other hand, the enterprise focuses on the assessment of resources. Due to the different logical thinking, these different viewpoints bring us many research insights. In this paper, we find that “environment” is the key point of system migration, because enterprise has to adjust when they compete with others. So, we suggest these enterprises refer our analytic framework before system migration.


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游朝宗(2005)。企業導入企業資源規劃(ERP)關鍵成功因素之研究- 以印刷電路板(PCB)產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500561
