  • 學位論文


The Formation of Target Zone for Asian Currency Unit(ACU)and the Study of Related Monetary Policy

指導教授 : 陳若暉


本研究在於探討亞洲十國(中國大陸、日本、南韓、台灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓、及印尼)貨幣所組成的亞洲單一貨幣為研究主題。本研究分為兩大部分。第一部分為與亞洲單一貨幣之貨幣政策關連性研究,其變數為亞洲單一貨幣、消費者物價指數、利率及貨幣供給額變動率,期間由1992年3月至2001年9月的十年月資料為樣本,以單根檢定、因果關係檢定、共整合檢定,向量誤差修正模型作分析模型;第二部分為探求各國與人民幣或日幣交叉匯率間之最適匯率目標區間,則以各國交叉匯率與計算後之超漲、跌次數(即為乖離次數)之虛擬變數,用1992年3月2日至2001年9月31日之十年日資料為樣本,並採以GARCH(1,1)-MA(1)為計量模型,以波動性結果求取出最適目標區。 向量誤差修正模型結果顯示,1997年以前,亞洲單一貨幣深受本身落後一期影響,及落後一期的馬來西亞通貨膨脹率、落後四期的新加坡利率、落後三期的日本利率影響。而1997年以後,則受落後四期的中國大陸利率、馬來西亞的貨幣供給額變動率及本身影響。及落後三期的馬來西亞通貨膨脹率及香港利率,且受落後二期新加坡利率及落後一期新加坡通貨膨脹率影響。 在最適匯率目標區的建置上,分為五種目標區間。其結論為適用0~2.25%區間的優質經濟體為日本、新加坡、香港及中國大陸;而台灣適用2.25~6%區間;而韓國及菲律賓則適用15~20%,其他東南亞國家,如:馬來西亞、泰國、印尼則適用20%以上。


This research subject is Asian Currency Unit (ACU), which is composed of currencies of ten East Asian economy, included Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. This study has two main parts. First part is a study of related monetary policy with ACU. We used ACU, customer price index, interest rate, and money supply growth rate as research variables. We utilized monthly form March 1992 to September 2001. The methodology included that we applied Unit Root Test, Causality Test, Johansen Co-integration test, and Vector Error Correct Model. Second part is formation of exchange rate target zone for ACU. This study included two variables. There are cross rate of each Asian economy for China Ren-Min Bin or Japanese Yen and dummy variable of divergence frequency. To examine volatility of target zone, we utilized daily data from First March 1992 to 31st September 2001, and used GARCH(1,1)-MA(1). The result of VECM showed that ACU was influenced by itself of lag 4, Malaysian CPI of lag 1, Singapore’s interest rate, and Japanese interest rate of lag 3 before 1997. After 1997, ACU is influenced by Mainland Chinese interest rate, Malaysian money supply growth rate, and itself of lag 4, Malaysian CPI and Hong Kong’s interest rate of lag 3, and Singapore’s interest rate of lag 2 and CPI of lag 1. To establish target zone, we setup five target zones. The results indicated that nations, which have a sounded economic performance such as Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Mainland China can adapt the range of 0~2.25%. Taiwan will have target zone of 2.2~6%, while South Korea and the Philippines are going to make target zone of 15~20%. The others southern East Asia will use target zone of 20% or above, including Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia.


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謝欣翰(2003)。亞洲貨幣單一化與各國貿易之關聯性研究 —以向量自我迴歸模型為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200300345
