  • 學位論文


The analysis of establishment of high security referral system

指導教授 : 蔡育秀


隨著電腦科技及網路的發展,目前國內各大醫院均朝向數位化邁進,以加強病歷交換的便捷性並簡化行政成本。但在積極推動資訊化的過程中,卻也必須注意醫療資訊電腦化所要面對的安全問題,這些問題包含了對外病歷資料在網路傳遞時是否會遭受到劫取、竄改等危險,以及對內是否會有不合法的人存取資料,因此在醫療資訊系統當中必須提供安全機制,以加強醫療資訊作業的安全性。 本研究主要是加強台大和鹿谷間轉診系統的安全性,在此轉診系統環境下所需考慮到的安全問題有下列四個方向:(1)資料的機密性 — 對傳輸的資訊與資料進行加密,確保資料的私密性;(2)資料的完整性 — 防止在網路上傳輸的資料被竄改,確保資訊傳輸的正確性;(3)身份驗證 — 驗證雙方在網路上的真實身份;(4)權限控管 — 預防沒有足夠權力的人可以存取資料庫中的資料。為達成上述安全性的要求,本研究主要是利用SSL(Secure Sockets Layer),並整合虛擬私有網路(VPN)中的安全機制,來加強網路傳輸的安全性。本研究使用Filter及修改原程式碼的方式來製作權限控管。此外本研究也深入分析安全機制所帶來的效能影響,用以評估架設安全機制所需付出 的相關代價。在駭客的攻擊手段中,癱瘓攻擊可以直接攻擊到本系統,因此為了知道這類攻擊對本系統的影響,本研究針對目前癱瘓攻擊方式中最常見的Ddos(Distributed Denial of Service)攻擊,分析Ddos攻擊對本系統所造成的影響。


資訊安全 Ddos 虛擬私有網路 SSL


Due to the prosperous development in information technology (IT), the idea to facilitate the internet/intranet in hospitals for the exchange of medical information and reducing of administrative is well established. However, the concern about data is accompanied with IT infrastructure construction. These concerns include whether hackers may steal or alter the content of medical information; Any illegal access may happen intentionally. Thus, network security is becoming a crucial factor in the growth and development medical information system of the Internet. This research mainly focuses on enhancing network security of referral system between National Taiwan University hospital and Logkog’s hospital. There are four aspects in designing such system: 1. Confidential information--coding the electronic medical information for transmission of safety. 2. Data integrity--preventing unauthorized alternation of the electronic medical information transmission. 3. Identification--identifying password administration on both sides network system. 4. Access control--precaution have no enough the right body can access data in the database. To reach the above security requirement, this study integrates the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and the Virtual Private Network (VPN) mechanism for data transmission safety. It also exploits a Filter and a source code modification method and to establish an authorization mechanism. This study is also thoroughly analyzed the safe capability and evaluated the communication load with the safety mechanism implemented. In addition, this research also analyze the affect of Ddos hacker attack to the established referral system.


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