  • 學位論文


Design of a Radio Frequency Identification System in ER Flow

指導教授 : 蔡育秀


急診室是緊急處理病患的場所,醫護人員必須對急症病患提供適當的醫療看護,以求掌握搶救先機,減低病患生命危險與疼痛。由於醫護人員平時工作負擔繁重,並無法隨時掌握急診室的環境情況以及病患的動向,造成病患在等待過程中必須忍受病痛的折磨與急診室環境引發之焦慮。所以在急診作業過程中,無法掌握病患的動向就成為 影響急診病患就診時間長短的重要因素之一。 為了要提供醫護人員急診室病患的即時動向與看診流程資訊,減少醫護人員尋找病人的負擔,方便和簡化醫護人員工作及管理病患。本研究規劃一套即時動向系統,可自動收集病患的動向資訊,並記錄在電腦的資料庫內。透過電腦主機與圖形化界面,結合射頻識別系統(Radio Frequency Identification System)的識別功能,並於急診流程的各科別門口裝設射識別卡接收器,在接收器的系統功能再加上時間與位址資訊。醫護人員只須透過圖形化界面操作,便可搜尋得到病患於急診流程之即時(Real Time)動向位置。 系統已完成射頻識別器模組開發,同時模組可記錄多筆病人動向資料,而圖形化界面功能則完成(1)提供病人的即時動向、(2)統計急診室內的總人數、(3)主動提供等待時間過久的急診病患名單、(4)存放急診病人看診流程完整資訊,並可提供專家透過分析病患看診流程,進而改善急診室的急診流程。 收集病人動向資訊正確率與系統搜尋急診室內所有射頻識別器的速度是系統效能判定的最大關鍵。因此本研究最後測試則是以不同的搜尋速度去取回資料,並以取回資料的正確率做比較,測試結果可得到,系統以每0.6秒去取資料,可得到系統最大之效能。 關鍵詞: 急診流程,等待就診時間,射頻識別器,


Abstract An emergency room is the place for medical staffs to make emergency rescue. During the rescue session, the medical staffs must to supply the appropriate medical care to save life and reduce pain caused by injuries and disease. Facing the rush-operating environment, the medical staffs cannot monitor the status and location of each individual ER patient and results in long waiting time. The anxiety and insecure sentiment are sometimes accompanied with the long waiting time. Reducing the length of waiting became a major factor in ER health care quality. In order to provide the information of the patient location and treatment status, this study developed a real-time ER patient tracking system. The system is consisted of distributed RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) readers, a half duplex network, and a host control computer. With a graphical control interface, physicians can easily locate patient location and associated length of waiting in each treatment session. The system can be used as a reminder when the waiting time of any patient has over preset time period. It also plays as a patient locator when a treatment is ready to apply to certain ER patient. The information accumulated by the system is the basis for further ER workflow modification, and medical resources relocation. To test the real-time performance of RDID access, a pilot system with six RDID readers and an RS-485 based network has constructed. Under such configuration, the system achieved the reliable performance with 0.6 second in each RFID access. Keyword: ER workflow、waiting time、Radio Frequency Identification、RFID


RFID waiting time ER workflow


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