  • 學位論文


The Empirical Study on Brand Image Building in Taiwan Baking Industry The Empirical Study on Brand Image Building in Taiwan Baking Industry The Empirical Study on Brand Image Building in Taiwan Baking Industry

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


論 文 摘 要 烘焙工業屬於傳統工業,一般傳統工業較之其他工業總感到落後,但是烘焙工業屬於民生工業的一環,與人民的生活息息相關,先進國家仍投入大量經費研發新的產品、原料和設備,並培養人才,因仍此不斷地提升技術和藝術水準,走在時代的前端.台灣,各地區都有當地消費者有口皆碑、知名度極高的名牌食品業的蹤跡。本研究旨在探討台灣烘焙業界,如何在消費者心中塑造良好的品牌形象,並採實證方析之方法加以驗證,以期能提出一套品牌形象建構模式,以提供產業升級的協助. 本研究經相關文獻與實證研究之探討後,探討品牌認同、品牌定位與品牌形象建構三者間彼此之關聯性,並探討品牌認同、品牌定位與品牌形象建構之影響效果. 本研究以台灣烘焙業為研究對象,共發出350份問卷,樣本結構,性別:男20%,女80%,調查對象,年齡16~55歲,實際有效回收之問卷為273份,經由T檢定、迴歸分析與兩因子變異分析等統計方法,實證結果分析如下: 1.品牌認同與品牌定位對品牌形象建構之影響均達顯著水準,且品牌定位對於品牌形象建構之貢獻要近似於品牌認同對品牌形象建構之貢獻。因此欲創造高度之品牌形象建構,則應由品牌認同與品牌定位共同著手,此結果也說明本架構的邏輯性。 2.品牌認同最能解釋產品形象和企業形象之變異,品牌定位最能解釋產品形象和企業形象之變異,品牌認同和品牌定位皆最能解釋產品形象和企業形象之變異,運用此一架構於品牌形象建構,尤其是產品形象和企業形象的建構是合邏輯的。 3.著手建構品牌形象的思考上,若是由架構中,從品牌認同到品牌定位,所建構的品牌形象,將會是顯現在企業形象和產品形象上。 4.品牌形象建構,實務運作上,因為產品優質, 加上定位明確能有效滿足目標市場消費者的需求,產品除了馬上得到很高的接受度,產品形象也跟提高,這是其中一項品類的形象建構方式,對不同品類,我們運用不同的品牌認同和品牌定位, 結合行銷溝通模式,隨著各各產品形象的建構,相對的也因企業形象的提升,使得整體企業的品牌形象也因此普遍獲得消費者肯定. 5.品牌形象的維護,必須不斷的透過行銷手法進行,才能不斷的累積資產,否則將逐步走向衰退的路,這是產品經理人所必須持之以恆的功課. 關鍵字:品牌認同、品牌定位、品牌形象建構、行銷溝通模式


This report is the result which has been analysis by relate lecture and empirical research, focus on brand identity, brand positioning, and brand image which build up the consolation of these three facyors and further disscuss the effect. This report examines the bakery business in Taiwan. 350 questionnaires were send out at the sampling sexual ratio of 20% male and 80% female questioner that aged from 16 to 55. 273 valid questionnaires were collected and examined via statistic method like t test, regression analysis, and two way ANOVA and has the empirical results summarize as follow: 1. Brand identity has significant impact at the build up of brand positioning and brand image. In addition, brand positioning and brand identity has similar contribution at the build up of brand image. Therefor if we wish to create high brand image, we should start from both brand identity and brand positioning. This result explains this framework logically. 2. Brand identity explains the most of the variation of the image of product and the corporate image; Brand identity explains the most of the variation of the image of product and the corporate image. Both brand identity and brand positioning can explain the variation between image of product and corporate. Adopting this framework at brand image construction, especially the construction of corporate image and the image of product is logical. 3. In this framework, at the thinking of build up brand image from brand identity to brand positioning, the brand image will be reflecting at the corporate image and image of products. 4. The image building, practically is because of the superior quality of product itself and clarify positioning which efficiency satisfy consumers’ requirement of target market. Product is highly accepted immediately, besides, the product image is raised the same. It is the way to build up the image of specific segmentatio. As to different segment, we apply various brand identities and positioning, combining marketing communication, contribute to kinds of brand image.Meanwhile, for the upgrade of corporate image, the brand image was widely approved by customers. 5. The maintenance of brand image, with the help of continuos marketing efforts, will accumulate continuiosly. Otherwise it will become regression. That is the job that every product manager should work on all the time.


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