  • 學位論文


A Study of Establishing E-partnership Between Organizations

指導教授 : 皮世明


在 B2B 電子商務浪潮的推動下,國內企業紛紛開始嘗試將其交易活動移至網路上進行,以提升與其他企業的互動關係,進一步合作形成電子夥伴關係。本研究探討企業間透過電子下單系統進行交易活動時,對企業本身與其合作夥伴間的電子夥伴關係之影響因素。本研究乃參考交易成本理論與社會交換理論之觀點建立而成初步的研究模式,綜合相關文獻探討及個案深度訪談以驗證本研究模式,並透過專家與業者問卷訪談,整理出推動電子夥伴關係之主導廠商與被動廠商對電子夥伴關係之影響因素的看法,以及對建立電子夥伴關係意願的預測。 研究結果顯示,國眾經銷商對國眾總公司推動之電子夥伴關係之看法,認為「不確定性」、「信任」與「權力」等因素對建立電子夥伴關係的意願,其影響較為顯著;而「資產特用性」及「交易頻次」的影響較不顯著;而「酬賞」則必須依策略或被動廠商的需求而成效不一。 從業者的訪談中,本研究也發現出以下現象:(一)、E-Order系統無法完全取代人工作業,所以實務上仍須保留人工與電腦訂貨並行的方式,反而增加業務人員的工作量;(二)、誘因不足、或提供的誘因效用不大,都可能導致系統失敗;(三)、交易的習慣在短時間內仍然難以改變;(四)、系統方面的因素,如:系統設計過於僵固、或介面缺乏彈性,以及減少人際互動的機會等;(五)、信用查核及必要的人工作業使得訂貨效率仍難以提昇。


In light of the inter-dependency between emerging technology and interorganizational relationship, an initial research framework is built upon the spirit of Adaptive Structuration Theory. This research aims to explore the influencing factors of three-phased partnership in e-marketplace. As a result, through literature review and expert interview, the framework is verified and presented as the research model. An empirical study is conducted to verify the research model. Through literature review, expert depth interview and questionnaire survey, the viewpoints from practical experts, leading companies in IT industry, and management level are generalized. The forecast of willingness style of e-partnership between organizations is also constructed in this study. By means of the comparison among those surveyed groups, the common points are explored, as well as the differences. Finally, we found that, first, manpower couldn’t be replaced with E-Order;second, no rewarding may lead project faild; third, custom of transaction never changed; and the factors from system and environment; finally, E-Order couldn’t improve the performance of tasks.


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