  • 學位論文


The Establishment of Supply Chain Process of Six Sigma Delivery Performance Model-as Applied to Notebook Industry

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


摘要 現今產業之供應鏈網路上自元件採購、製造、組裝、存貨、下至配銷到終端使用者,在這漫長、複雜、全球化的供應鏈網路中,往往產生物料及產品供需不調,資訊扭曲與不全和交貨延遲,故整體供應鏈之管理實為維繫甚至提昇公司競爭力之重要關鍵。此外,供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)已逐漸成為企業面對競爭所必須考量之重要管理議題,在極力推動的同時,有效的衡量供應鏈績效是相當重要的。有效的績效衡量指標不但可以對供應鏈執行成果作一個適當的評估,並找出改善空間以提昇管理績效;而績效評估的準則可以包括成本、品質、時間、彈性、創新與服務,其中時間便是一個十分具代表性的定量績效指標。為了積極改善出貨速度、生產品質以期滿足客戶的嚴格要求,交期(Delivery)便成為重要的指標。 本研究重點將廠內供應鍊流程劃分為幾道主要流程,利用六標準差(Six Sigma)和製程能力指標(Cp、Cpk)的概念及運用統計容差(Statistical Tolerance)法,來分析廠內供應鏈中各主要流程之作業時窗(Time window),可藉以評估廠內供應鏈中各主要流程之作業時窗(Time window),以期能評估出影響交期之關鍵流程,並針對這些流程來進行改善。因此,在以時間為基準的競爭環境中,運用6σ的手法來分析筆記型電腦廠商之供應鏈管理中的各作業流程,評估交貨日期的準確率,進而設計並改善能符合6σ水準之交期品質,期望能達到99.99966%的達交率 。 關鍵詞:供應鏈流程、六標準差、交期績效、製程能力


Abstract In the complex and global supply chain networks for industries, it has the circumstances of delay, incomplete of information from the process of purchasing, manufacturing, assembling, and inventory to end-user. Besides, supply chain management is going to be an important issue when enterprises face competition circumstances, and at the same time it is also quite important to measure the performance of supply chain effectively. The effective performance index is not only an appropriate evaluation for executing supply chain but also could find the improving methods for promoting the management performance. The standards of evaluating performance can include cost, quality, time, flexibility, creation and service, beside time is a representative index of quantifiably performance. Improving speed of producing goods and quality of production is for satisfying the strict requests by customers. So delivery becomes an important index. My research focus on using Six Sigma approach, Process Capability Index (Cp, Cpk) and Statistical Tolerance approach to analyze time-based window of each process of supply chain. By evaluating time window, it can get key process which influences delivery and focus on this process to do the improvement. Thus, time becomes the standard in the competitive circumstances, and using the 6σmethod to analyze the processes of supply chain management for Notebook computer factories, to evaluate the accurate delivery rate, and then to design and improve the quality of delivery. Finally, expect it can reach the 99.99966% of delivery rate. Keywords : Supply Chain Process, Six Sigma, Delivery Performance, Process Capability


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