  • 學位論文


Automated analysis of confidence, interests, and attentiveness in a computer assisted learning environment

指導教授 : 夏延德


由於電腦多媒體與網路的迅速發展,這項新興的學習科技立刻提供了教學上一個威力強大且便利的工具。雖然這項教學媒介有大量的優勢,但是人類學習的本質和過程並未改變。如何偵測與評估人在學習中的心智狀態以提供適性教學的指引方針,便成為超媒體學習環境(Hypermedia environment)中所需要處理的問題。 人的心智狀態是一種內顯的心理行為,我們目前沒有任何的量測方式可以直接測量到人心中的信心、興趣與專心指數;但是我們可以經由對外顯行為的觀察與判斷,對學習者的心智狀況作一個估算。 在本系統提供的人為超媒體學習環境中,我們提供多樣設計過的使用者操作界面,並藉由在幕後不斷地追蹤使用者行為,系統可誘發、取得大量的使用者學習行為。再將這些原始資料進一步經由我們提供的方式過濾,而後得出富含心智狀態意義的使用者行為。透過本論文所提出計算方式,我們可以得到準確的學習者信心、興趣與專心的心智狀態。 過去並沒有太多在超媒體學習環境中對於人信心、興趣與專心等心智狀態的評估方式。即使有些相關的作法,也都需要投注很大的精神與努力在該相關內容上,或是使用者背景有很大的不同使得效果不彰。本論文提出一個普遍性且可攜性高的評估作法,使得量測學習者信心、興趣與專心等心智狀態可以準確有彈性的在各個領域進行。


Due to the rapid development of computer and hypermedia technology, it becomes all the more apparent that when used properly, we can develop good learning technologies. But no matter how we change our methodology of teaching and learning, there are certain characteristics of human learning that remain unchanged. How can we detect and evaluate the intellectual state of a learner? This may be a problem that will need to be dealt with by all hypermedia-based learning environments in the future. Some of the external behaviors of a learner may result from his/her internal intellectual state such as confidence, interests, and attentiveness. There is no way we can directly measure the degrees of confidence, interests, or attentiveness of a learner. But we can surely observe the external behaviors of the learner and try to diagnose his/her internal intellectual state. In constructing our hypermedia-based learning environment, we provided a variety of user interface. By tracking and sometimes inducing the learner’s system-usage behavior behind the scenes, we obtain a large quantity of usage profile. And then, by filtering out useful information and also be evaluating the information, we obtain meaningful estimates of the learner’s intellectual state as related to confidence, interests, and attentiveness. Though much has been done in the area of user-behavior tracking, we did not find much research in tracking and evaluating the learner’s confidence. Most of the research works that we found use domain-dependent methods for evaluation. In this thesis, we propose a domain independent method for evaluating the learner’s confidence, interest, and attentiveness. We also did a small prototype experiment. The results suggest that our methods are reasonably accurate.


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