  • 學位論文


The Effect of Nano-Clay on the Processing Properties of PU Resin

指導教授 : 陳玉惠


摘 要 本研究以聚胺基甲酸酯(PU)為基材,製備PU / Clay 奈米複合材料 ◦利用二種不同之陽離子界面活性劑進行離子交換來改質黏土(Clay),使黏土由原先之親水性轉變為親油性之有機化黏土,再利用界面活性劑上所帶有之官能基與二異氰酸鹽反應,形成PU / Clay奈米複合材料 ◦ 論文內容探討上述製備之奈米有機黏土對PU樹脂加工後物性之影響 ◦其中加工成膜方式採乾式與濕式二種,以X-ray、TEM、TGA及萬能拉力試驗機,測定PU / 黏土之混成程度、熱性質及機械性質,再利用濕式成膜方式探討粘土對於各項加工性質如: 透濕度、剝離強度、耐UV黃變性及耐寒屈曲等性質之影響 ◦ 除此之外,亦選擇業界常用之無機材添加劑Silica,利用已改質之Nano-Silica製備PU / Silica奈米複合材料,並探討Silica對於各項加工性質之影響 ◦ 結果顯示,利用二種不同之界面活性劑TA-01、TA-02,成功的改質黏土(Clay),並由X-ray測得層間距離由原d spacing = 1.27 nm,分別增加至2.00 nm及1.90 nm,且製備PU / 奈米複合材料後亦發現,當隨黏土(Clay)添加量增加時,使用界面活性劑TA-01改質之黏土有較佳之混成效果 ◦ 而在熱性質TGA測定方面,結果也如預期般皆有少許增加之現象 ◦ 但隨黏土及Nano-silica添加比例的增加,熱裂解溫度有下降之趨勢,其中又以界面活性劑TA-02改質之複合材料之熱裂解溫度降幅較明顯 ◦ 另外,在皮膜之機械性質及加工性質方面,添加Nano-silica之複合材料,其Modulus及透濕度改善幅度較大,但在耐寒屈曲方面,添加量增加至7%時,性能表現較差 ◦ 而添加以界面活性劑TA-01改質之黏土(Clay),其抗拉強度、伸長率及耐紫外線(UV)黃變則有不錯之表現 ◦ 而在剝離強度方面,皆有少幅度的增加 ◦


Abstract In this study , two ammonium salts were used as swelling agents to modify the clay PK-812 to organoclays , TA-01 clay and TA-02 clay. A series of polyurethane (PU) / clay nanocomposites were the prepared by reaction of appropriate amount of polyol、MDI、1,4 butandiol and the organoclays. The resulting nanocomposites were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission election microscopy. Besides , a commercially available nano-scale silica was used as a filler to prepared the PU / silica nanocomposite. The mechanical and thermal properties of all the nanocomposite films prepared were investigated by tensile testing and thermogravimetric analysis , respectively. It was found that PU / TA-01 clay , PU / TA-02 clay and PU / nana-silica nanocomposite films all exhibited better thermal stability and mechanical properties than the pristine PU film. In additions , the as-prepared PU / clay and PU / nano-silica nanocomposites were also used as coating resins to prepare a resins of synthetic PU leathers by wet process. The properties of the synthetic leathers , which included peel strength , moisture transmission , low-temperature flexibility and UV-discoloration resistance were investigated. The results indicated that the PU TA-01 clay leather , PU TA-02 clay leather and PU nano-silica leather all had better processing properties than the corresponding pristine PU leather.


Nanocomposite PU Clay


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