  • 學位論文


The Comparison of the Abnormal Stock Returns of Initial Public Offerings and the Duration Analysis in Financial Holding Company and Non-Financial Holding Company

指導教授 : 陳若暉


本研究首先採用事件研究法之市場指數調整模型,探討我國金控公司是否具有初次公開發行(IPO)蜜月期之超額異常報酬現象。樣本選取期間自民國90年11月1日金控法施行至91年11月底,並與同時期上市的非金控公司公司之股價報酬進行比較。另採用期間模型,探討自民國88年9月20日至91年12月底,金控公司待合併期間之合併轉換率是否具有時間相依性,並分析待合併期間之影響因素,其結果歸納如下。 研究顯示全體樣本於初次公開發行之蜜月期間,新上市公司可獲得顯著且正向的累計異常報酬。金控公司樣本於蜜月期間,僅在上市後第2天及第8天之平均異常報酬為正,且蜜月期間之最高平均異常報酬遠低於非金控公司之最高值。於後蜜月期間之股價報酬顯示,整體累計異常報酬率以金控公司最佳、其次為全體樣本,最後則為非金控公司。 另研究顯示全體金融機構離政府通過金融機構合併草案的時間越長,有越多的合併案產生;而金控樣本於待合併期間之合併狀況,於初期的金控合併案遞增,至後期合併案則逐漸減少。金融控股公司法的通過並未加速金融機構進行合併,此外全體樣本之固定資產週轉率越高、營運據點越少,會越早採取合併行動。當金控公司其資產負債率越低,則待合併期間越短。另董監事的持股比率越高,待合併期間則較長。


The paper evaluates the abnormal returns of initial public offerings (IPO) in honeymoon period for financial holding company (FHC) and non-financial holding company (non-FHC) by using the market-adjusted returns model from November 2001 to November 2002. We compare the difference in the abnormal returns of FHCs and of non-FHCs. Using the duration model, this study examines whether the spell length of Hazard Rate for FHCs’ Merger and Acquisition (M&A) activities has time dependence. The result shows that total IPO samples could take the positively and significantly cumulative abnormal returns in honeymoon period. The FHCs only have positively average abnormal returns in the second day and the eighth day. Moreover, the highest average abnormal return of the FHCs is much less than that of non-FHCs. In the post honeymoon period, the cumulative abnormal returns of FHCs and total IPOs are the highest and the second high levels, while the cumulative abnormal returns of the non-FHCs is the lowest one. Based on the research period is from September 1999 to December 2002, we also investigate what factors may influence the spell length for the duration of M&A. We found that the greater financial M&A activities after initiating the draw of the Financial Institutions Merger Law, the longer of the spell length. And the events of FHCs’ M&A grow rapidly in the initial duration period, then upward trend was diminished by the time. But the dummy variable of financial holding company law does not accelerate M&A activities in total samples. In addition, it also shows that the greater fixed assets returns and the less branches, the shorter spell length of total sample. The lower debt-asset ratios of the FHC, the shorter the spell length. Besides, the greater directors’ and supervisors’ holdings, the longer durations.


Event Study Abnormal Return IPO Honeymoon Period Duration Model. FHC


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