  • 學位論文


Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Methodology on Transformation Alternative about Leisure and Recreation Industry─A Case Study of Weichuan-Ranch

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


摘要 隨著休閒意識的抬頭,民眾投入於休閒活動的時間與金錢都不斷攀升。近年來為因應此趨勢,政府也積極推動休閒遊憩產業之發展,希望透過更多遊憩場所的建立來加速提昇產業前景,而產業也逐步朝著多元化、精緻化、大型化、主題化等方向發展。面對越來越競爭的環境,要繼續在產業中保持競爭力,就整體產業的現況而言,變革、轉型是不得不考慮的議題,另外如何迎合民眾多變的需求尋找自身的生存空間也是值得探討的議題。 本研究主要目的為探討核心資源與轉型方案之配適程度。由於休閒遊憩業業者之條件不同造成適合之方案分歧,因此以單一個案─埔心牧場為研究個案,希望探討在考量埔心牧場所擁有核心資源之情形下,所適合之轉型方案的優勢順序,最後並藉由各替代方案之預期經營績效觀點來和本研究所建構之模式做一比較。 本研究以休閒遊憩業之相關專家為研究對象,包含了產、官、學三方面,共寄發124份問卷,有效回收問卷達23份,回收資料經過AHP法之分析,而歸納出之重要結論包含: 1.就核心資源的角度探討,埔心牧場之核心資源強弱順序為:(1)園區區位特性、(2)內部資金取得、(3)既有品牌形象、(4)管理行銷能力、(5)現有設備水準、(6)創新規劃能力、(7)外部資金管道、(8)外部人際網路。 2.就轉型幅度的角度探討,埔心牧場之轉型幅度適合順序為:(1)重定位型、(2)再造型、(3)調整型。 3.就轉型方案的角度探討,埔心牧場之轉型方案適合順序為:(1)運動公園、(2)乳業生態博覽園、(3)主題式遊樂園、(4)中式古風文化村、(5)國際文化渡假村、(6)高爾夫商務園區、(7)教育園區。 4.就經營績效觀點探討複合之轉型方案,埔心牧場之複合轉型方案適合順序為:(1)包含:乳業生態博覽園、教育園區、主題式遊樂園(2) 包含:運動公園、高爾夫商務園區(3)包含:中式古風文化村、國際文化渡假村。


休閒遊憩業 經營績效 AHP 核心資源 轉型


ABSTRACT As to the rises of conscious of leisure time, people are willing to spend more time and capital to do leisure activities. And as to the trend, government is willing to give a hand to develop leisure and recreation industry, she helps to speed up the prospects of this industry. Now the industry has become more competitive, more diversiform, more exquisite, more large-scaled, etc. If they still want to keep the pace up with the competitive, and if they still want to maintain a good result in the arena, reform and transformation are two solutions. However, how to cater customers’ necessity and to find out a living space is another good question we need to discuss. The major subject of this thesis is focused on priorities of transformation alternative. Due to different condition between each proprietor, each proprietor might have different program for them. Hence, this research adopt an individual case, weichuan-ranch as the research center. Firstly, choosing the priorities of alternatives based on weichuan-ranch’s core resourses, and then use the expected performance view of each alternative when weichuan-ranch transform into it to compare with this model. The related experts of leisure and recreation industry is the frame of simpling. Proprietors, officials and scholars are included in the research. 124 questionnaires were sended out and 23 questionnaires were retrieved efficiently. The retrieve result is concluded and summed up through AHP. Which include, 1.To make a through inquiry of the core resources. The priority of weichuan-ranch’s core resources are in sequence, (1)the characteristics of its region (2)the obtaining of internal capital (3)the image of its brand (4)the ability of its management and marketing (5)the quality of its present facilities (6)the ability of its innovation and planning (7)the channel of external capital (8)the external human network.. 2.To make a through inquiry of the transformative range. The priority of weichuan-ranch’s transformative range are in sequence, (1) reorientation (2)re-creation (3)tuning. 3.To make a through inquiry of alternatives. The priority of weichuan-ranch’s alternatives are in sequence, (1)Sports Park (2)Milking Ecological Learning Park (3)Theme Park (4)Chinese Traditional Culture Style Village (5)International Vacation Villa (6) Business Golf Centre (7)Educational Area 4.As by its expected performances’ point of view to inquiry it’s compound transform program, the priority of weichuan-ranch’s compound transform program are in sequence, (1)Included, Milking Ecological Learning Park, Educational Area, Theme Park (2) Included, Sports Park, Business Golf Centre (3)Included, Chinese Traditional Culture Style Village, International Vacation Villa


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