  • 學位論文


Developing Internet Addiction Relation Model(I - ARM) And Investigating Online Game Break-off

指導教授 : 饒培倫


本研究從醫學、網路沉迷、心理學、社會心理學,探索電腦與網路的使用及其效益與影響。在探討的過程當中收集「敘述性的語言資訊」,再依其親和關係運用KJ法歸納整理,描繪出「網路沉迷關聯圖」(Internet Addiction Relation Model,簡稱 I-ARM)。本研究萃取出三個屬於經常性問題模型:早年經驗創傷「歷史因緣」,引發「壓力因素」,造成網路沉迷、「個人特質」引發「使用動機」,造成網路沉迷,以及「挑戰性」激發「享受經驗」並「滿足使用者慾望」,享受沉浸經驗下造成沉迷。 針對在I-ARM中,遊戲玩家最難以控制的因子是「使用時間」,與玩家技巧高者投入遊戲「享受經驗」中時最困擾的就是難以自拔的問題,本研究乃進一步針對Online Game進行探討。在權衡享受與傷害之間,如何「適時」的中斷遊戲是本研究所關切的另一個議題,本研究進行「遊戲中斷」實驗,邀請64位青(少)年在網咖進行遊戲,以「中斷時間」及「玩家技巧」為實驗因子,探討不同中斷時間下玩家的「停止延遲時間」、中斷「接受程度」與「時間扭曲程度」。 。本實驗重要結論如下: (1).時間扭曲程度不會因「玩家技巧」不同而有所差異,而是因為玩遊戲的「時間長短」以及「生活步調」的感受不同而異。 (2).遊戲時間長度在60分鐘時,老手的「滿意度」比遊戲時間長度在30分鐘時為低。 (3).遊戲時間長度在60分鐘時,受測者的「停止延遲時間」最長。 (4).遊戲時間長度在90分鐘時,受測者最容易「低估」遊戲時間。 (5).老手的「耐受」程度較高,需要越長的遊戲時間才能達到相同的滿足效果。


This research investigates the how using Internet affects the lives of heavy Internet users based on comprehensive perspective. An integrated model, Internet Addiction Relation Model (I-ARM), is developed based on research fields such as Medical Addiction studies, Internet Addiction studies, and Psychology and Social Psychology. The framework of the I-ARM represents and explains the phenomena and motivations of Internet addiction. This research utilizes “ KJ Method” to organize relationships of causation and phenomena of Internet Addiction. The I-ARM includes three modules could be utilized to analyze a user by his or her background, past Internet experience, social status, thinking and behavior, etc. Most of expert players were trouble with controlling “using time”, the factor shown in I-ARM. They also cannot help to stop from playing game when they are enjoying the game. Then this research further conducted a break-off experiment. This research invited 64 young peoples to investigate Online Game Break-off by deferent break-off time and playing skill, to analyse how players feel and what the degree of time disorder when they was asked to break. The conclusions of experiment are shown in the following. (1).The degree of time disorder is not attected by the skill level of players. The length of playing time and life step affect the degree of time disorder. (2).Expert players are more satisfied with sixty-minute playing time than thirty-minute playing time. (3).The delay time of break-off is the longest when the playing time is sixty minutes. (4).The participants tend to underestimate playing time when the playing time is ninty-minute. (5).The expert players need to play longer to be satisfied than novice players.


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