  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of the Relationship between the Management Practices and the Performance of the Strategic Alliances

指導教授 : 高孔廉


論文摘要 本篇論文主要探討聯盟管理作為對聯盟績效之影響,聯盟管理作為包括聯盟規劃程度、聯盟溝通程度、聯盟控制程度與聯盟信任程度,並以組織特性為干擾變項,探討此干擾變項對聯盟管理作為與聯盟績效關係之影響。本論文之研究對象是至民國九十一年第三季止,證交所公開資訊觀測站所公布之採策略聯盟赴大陸投資之台商,並在國內上市之食品業、電機業與資訊電子業之企業。共寄發350份問卷,回收46份,扣除填答不完整之無效問卷12份,共計有效回收問卷34份,有效回收率9.71%。 回收問卷經敘述統計、t檢定、一因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析與相關分析等統計方法整理後,獲得以下研究結論: 一、台商以策略聯盟赴大陸投資動機前五名依序是:(1)從事國際化擴充以取得市場訂單、(2)結合聯盟雙方資源以達綜效、(3)爭取時效性、(4)控制競爭情勢取得規模經濟、(5)母公司之策略功能考量 二、聯盟管理作為之重要程度依次為聯盟規劃(包括聯盟成員間能夠清楚定義聯盟後所要達成的共同目標、成員間共同訂定詳細的規則以規範彼此的行為、聯盟成員間共同規劃有利於未來聯盟運作之組織架構與公司能夠清楚地了解每一聯盟成員參與聯盟之動機等議題)、聯盟控制(機密受到嚴密與妥善的保護)、聯盟溝通與聯盟信任程度。 三、經t檢定與變異數分析發現,有無股權聯盟類型對聯盟管理作為有顯著影響。涉及股權投資之聯盟類型其在聯盟溝通程度、聯盟控制程度與聯盟信任程度上,較無股權聯盟高。但是,價值活動聯盟類型對聯盟管理作為無顯著影響。 四、聯盟管理作為(聯盟規劃程度、聯盟溝通程度、聯盟控制程度、聯盟信程度)與聯盟績效(主觀績效、聯盟運作滿意度、聯盟目標達成度、聯盟客觀績效)之關係皆達正向顯著水準(p<0.01)。其中,聯盟規劃程度與聯盟主觀績效、聯盟運作程度、聯盟目標達成度之相關程度最高,而聯盟控制程度則與聯盟客觀績效相關程度最高。 五、本研究經二因子變異數分析發現,聯盟控制程度與聯盟績效間之關係,會受到聯盟存續期間的影響;而聯盟信任程度與聯盟績效之關係,則會受到組織規模的影響。 六、本研究建議未來將赴大陸投資以及目前正在大陸投資之台灣企業,採取策略聯盟是降低風險、提高企業競爭力的一項有效做法。涉及股權的策略聯盟類型,其聯盟績效比單純契約聯盟類型的企業要來的高,而且對聯盟運作過程也較滿意,同時也能達到提升企業競爭力、強化企業本身技術能力之優點。其原因在於涉及股權之聯盟類型,因涉及的風險較高,所以會加強在聯盟管理作為上的活動,藉由聯盟類型與聯盟管理作為的互補效用,會產生較高的聯盟績效。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the management practices and the performance of Taiwanese strategic alliances in China. Management practices include the degrees of planning, communicating, controlling and trust. Performance includes subjective satisfaction and objective profit performance. A total of 350 questionnaires were mailed and 34 effective returns were received. The methods used in the research include descriptive statistics, ANOVA analysis, correlation analysis and canonical correlation. Most of the previous related literature of business strategic alliances, scholars all focused on relationship of the types of the alliances and their performance, but did not look into the relationship between management practices and performances of the alliances. In this empirical study, we focus on the relationship of management practices and the performances in China. The empirical results summarized as follows: 1. The motives of Taiwanese strategic alliances in China are: internationalization of the company; combine the resources between companies in order to get synergy; faster entry to the market; to attain economy of scale, and the purpose of corporate strategy. 2. The most important of the management practices of the alliances is the planning function of alliances (to define the common goal clearly, to set rules in detail as a decision guide, to plan a suitable organization structure of business, and to understand the partners’ motives of participating the alliance. Then, the next important is the controlling function of alliances (including protecting of the business information carefully), followed by communication and mutual trust. 3. The types of the alliances have significant impact on management practices. The alliances involving capital investment are more concerned with the management practices of alliances. However, functional alliances without capital investment do not pay more attention to management practices. 4. The management practices of alliances, including the degrees of the planning, communicating, controlling and trust, have significant influences to the performances of the alliances. Furthermore, the degree of planning is most important to the subjective performance, whereas the degree of controlling is most important to the objective performance. As a result, the better the management practices, the higher the performances of the strategic alliances. 5. To consider the intermediate variables, characteristics of the organization, we found that the relationship between control function and performance will be affected by the length of existence of alliances. Whereas the relationship between mutual trust and performance will be affected by the size of the companies. 6. The study suggests that the strategic alliance is an effective method to reduce the risk of investment and enhance the competitiveness of companies. Besides, the performances of those that involved capital investment are better than those not involved. This is because that the more capital the company invests in, the higher management practice the company would focus on, that result in higher performance of alliances.


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