  • 學位論文


The Narrative of Male Christian Homosexual: Identity Conflict between Religious Belief and Sexual Orientation

指導教授 : 譚偉象 楊錫林


本研究的目的是在描述並討論同性戀基督徒信仰與性取向認同衝突的歷程。受訪者是同志教會的兩位男同志基督徒。並且採用社會建構論作為認識論視框,以敘說研究法撰寫出兩個截然不同的生命故事。 除了兩篇故事的呈現,並以兩種不同角度詮釋認同衝突的歷程。第一為共同的處境之理解,表明基督教信仰對這兩位男同志基督徒的意義,再描繪他們在社教會與所生活的環境中受到的歧視和偏見,緊接著解釋他們是如何應付偏見和衝突,尋找出口,他們可能以傳遞父母與朋友支持同志的新觀點為方法來減低衝突的發生。第二為認同歷程之結合與比對,研究者建構了一個同志基督徒認同歷程的概念初型,此初型將有助於我們理解兩位同志基督徒所正面對認同衝突及他們用以減低衝突的策略。 研究同時發現豐富同志資源社群與同志教會對於同志基督徒的認同發展有相當重要的地位,而同志教會則是扮演傳遞正向同志訊息與同志神學的重要角色。最後研究歸結出整個同志基督徒的認同歷程乃是Erikson所說的認同危機中的一塊,我們可以用Erikson的心理社會發展理論來幫助我們理解它的內涵。


The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the process of Christian homosexual’s identity conflict between religious belief and sexual orientation. The subjects of this study are two male Christian homosexuals (Christian gays). The research adopts social constructivism as the framework of epistemology and narrative inquiry to write out two different life stories. Besides telling these two life stories, the researcher adopts two different points of view to interpret and comprehend the process of identity conflict. First, we try to understand the common situations that these two subjects are encountering. In this part, we find out the meanings of religious belief for these two Christian gays, depict the prejudice they suffer from the churches and all the surroundings which they live in, and explain how they cope with the prejudice and conflict. They may deliver new pro-gay perspective to their parents and friends in order to reduce the conflict. Second, these two different identity processes are combined and compared with each other. The researcher constructs a prototype of Christian homosexual identity process. This prototype can help us understand the identity conflict that these two persons are facing and how they use strategies to reduce the feeling of conflict. The researcher also discovers the importance of abundant gay-societies and gay-positive churches in the developmental stages of Christian homosexuals’ identity. Gay-positive churches play the key role of delivering gay-friendly messages and homosexual theology. Finally, we realize that identity conflict between religious belief and sexual orientation is included among the identity crisis stage of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development.


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