  • 學位論文


A Study of the relationships among Perceived Pay-design Factors, Perceived Task Characteristics and Employees' Work Attitudes - Case of the Domestic Commodity Insurance Companies

指導教授 : 吳美連


我國保險事業發展迄今已超過半個世紀,歷經特許營業法令保障,產業環境長期處於低度競爭狀態,大多數產險公司,經營可說一向保守,過去在薪資制度方面,大多是採行類似公務人員的固定薪資制度,資深從業人員早已習慣逐年調薪模式,認為「做得越久,領的越多」是為常態。 基於環境變遷,國內產險公司面對各項經營壓力,近年來已逐漸修改過去的薪資制度,對大鍋飯式或按年資調薪之制度多有所調整。薪資制度的改變會帶給員工衝擊,對員工各項工作態度產生影響,而薪資設計究竟如何影響員工工作態度,其間之關聯性如何?為本研究所欲探討之主要議題。 回顧諸多文獻,本研究主要參考之理論架構,是國內學者諸承明(1995) 所發展的「薪資設計兩構面情境模式」,該模式引用Perrow「工作特性」之觀念,以「任務產出變異性」以及「任務價值分析性」兩項因素為構面,來分析各項薪資設計基準(保健基準、職務基準、績效基準以及技能基準)的適用情境。本研究根據此一模式,以問卷調查方式蒐集國內產險業165位員工之填答資料,進行「個人特徵、薪資設計要素認知、任務特性認知與員工工作態度之關聯性」的探討。 本研究各項假設經驗證分析,都獲得大部份之支持,結論與建議摘要敘述如下: 1.受測員工認為,產險公司薪資設計在技能要素及職務要素已有相當之重視。但在保健及績效要素的重視程度仍有實質上之不足。 2.個人特徵中除學歷、職務內容在各項員工工作態度上無顯著差異之外,其他構面或群組間,在員工工作態度上有部份之差異達到顯著水準。 3.保健要素、績效要素與薪資滿足、組織承諾、工作投入有顯著之負相關,職務要素、技能要素則相反並且與勞資關係氣氛也有顯著之正相關。 4.任務價值分析性越高,員工之薪資滿足、工作投入、組織承諾越高。任務產出變異性與工作投入、組織承諾、勞資關係氣氛也有顯著之正相關。 5.任務價值分析性與職務及技能要素有顯著之正相關,與保健及績效要素則有顯著之負相關。任務產出變異性與績效要素也有顯著之負相關。所以任務產出變異性越高時,產險公司之薪資設計在績效要素之比重應要降低。而一般產險公司在任用資格及職務提昇方面,即已顯示產險公司在職務及技能基準,如學經歷、相關證照已有比較高程度之重視。 6.經由階層迴歸分析,個人特徵、薪資設計要素、任務特性與各項員工態度之分析結果顯示,薪資設計要素與員工工作態度有較強的關聯性。 7.在管理實務上建議,產險公司薪資設計上應仍以職務及技能基準為主。調查參考市場或同業薪資應以維持適度保健要素為考量,實施「績效」基準性薪資,應特別注意適用對象、時機以及對工作態度負面之影響。


The Study of relationships among Perceived Pay-design Factors, Perceived Task Characteristics and The Employees’ Working Attitudes – Case of the Domestic Non–Life Insurance Companies. Abstract How does the payroll system affect the employees’ working attitudes? After reviewing the literature of pay design, the variables influence pay design and its effectiveness, we found that the different individual variables to “the employees’ working attitudes” may come out a remarkable discrepancy. There are four kinds of pay-factors: the Hygiene-based pay, the Job-based pay, the Performance-based pay and the skill-based pay. The Contingent variables are Task Characteristics which includes the “variability of task output” and “analyzability of task worth”. This study applies a model named “Two-Demension Contingency Model of Pay Design” to explore the applied situation of various pay – design factors . This study is based on questionaire poll from eight Domestic Non–Life Insurance Companies with total of 165 valid returned questionaires. Statistics methods adopted in the study primarily concern descriptive statistics, t factor assessment, singular factor variable analysis, simple relevance analysis and inductive analysis with major findings concluded as follows: (1) Most of the Domestic Non–Life Insurance Companies weigh the Job-based pay and the Skill-based pay significantly more than the Hygiene-based pay and the Performance-based pay while conducting their pay design. (2) The different individual variables to “the employees’ working attitudes” do have a remarkable discrepancy except the education background and the contents of the job. (3) Factors of Hygiene and performance is significantly negative-correlation to pay satisfication and organizational commitments and job involvement. And the factors of Job and skill is significantly positive-correlation to pay satisfication and organizational commitments, job involvement and industrial relation climate as well. (4) The higher analyzability of task worth, the higher satisfication of pay, job involvement and organizational commitment. On the other hand, the variability of task output then is positive-correlation to job involvement, organizational commitment and industrial relation climate. (5) The analyzability of task worth is significantly positive-correlation to factors of Job and skill and significantly negative-correlation to factors of Hygiene and performance. Thus, the higher variability of task output, the less weights should be applied to factor of performance. In practice, non-life insurance companies put higher weights on factors of job and skill such as education background and certificates or licenses holding. (6) The factors of pay design has strong correlationship through regression analysis. (7) The result suggests non-life insurance companies shall conduct pay design based on factors of job and skill. The market norm should be a reference to maintain the level of hygiene factor. While applying performance factors, job level of the employee, timing should be carefully considered to reduce the impact of negative working attitude.


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